How do people get cancer, anyway? Well, It's been discovered through much research and Hulda Clark discovered it herself. She did over 1000 autopsies and found that every single cancer victim had BUGS and had been chemically poisonsed.
What are chemical poisons? anything that is not compatible with the body and will poisons it creating cellular death. Over the counter drugs, doctor's drugs, chemo, radiation, x-rays, pesticides sprayed on food, artificial ingredients added to foods, coloring agents, chlorine and flouride in drinking water. mercury in teeth, coming in contact with acetone, gasoline, petroleum products on the skin, other solvents that dissolve the outside covering on the parasite eggs that have been everywhere from the beginning of time and are SUPPOSED to pass out of the body unhatched, but due to all the chemical poisons they DO hatch, go through the intestinal wall and into the blood, and because the LIVER filters the blood and lymph, they set up shop in the liver. The bugs have metabolic end products that cause other cells in the body to begin immature cellular mitosis. In other words, they poop and pee and maybe they sweat when they are building their condos in your liver. (picture it) Immature cellular mitosis means cells that quickly multiply (like an embro or fetus forming in the womb) and those cells do not have a useful purpose in the body, so that is how tumors form.
Bugs that cause colon cancer evidently set up shop in the intestines. They can be 3.5 inches long and have spines on either sides of them. I still have some in jars. The outside of their bodies is like a plastic material. You can see through it. They then burrow through the intestinal wall causing hemorrhaging.
Some bugs go to the lungs to mate. They do not like to die or be destroyed, so it itakes a good amount of dewormer to get them killed off. It's going to take a good amount of time to do it, ooo. I saw the last of the bugs 5 years later from when I started taking Barefoot's dewormer.
So to get rid of cancer you have to get those bugs killed off, remove the poisons from your liver and colon. My liver was so full of stones it was hard for me to breathe when I started cleaning out. That stuff has to come out one way or another. I flushed them out. My colon was full of a white debris that was from drugs I took. That junk is laid down in layers and will come off in layers, so the sooner a person gets to cleaning out their colon the better. That took me way over 5 years to do, too. Depends on how much you've been poisoned and how many bugs you have and what they did to you. The sooner you start killing off the bugs and cleaning it out the sooner your health will return.
The MEDICAL way of thinging is to either take the part out that has a tumor or remove tissue. They never get to the CAUSE. Herbs and vital but they can't remove the cause.
A polluted body has to get clean to get well. The garbage that is making the blood so dirty and destroying th e immune system has to go. Then give the body what wil help the organs and tissues heal.
Every time I hear someone say you can take this or that and it will "cure" you, I just shake my head. Get the pollution gone and let the body heal. Give it what will help it heal and that's good herbs with the natural minerals in them (that includes natural iodine and all of MH's products) and good food that has been growing at one time out of the ground.
You can't heal rotting tissue surrounded by garbage. The cells cannot get rid of the poisons by themselves and can't use nutrients when in this environment.
Get it cleaned up. I've been there and can say it works.