charles obscure
"luckily every 23,000 years we get a fresh start on this earth and we call that day, in the days of noah, the rocks cleanse this earth very, very well! judgemnet served upon all the children and they pay the price of their forfather's evil acts and the bible clearly states low be the pregnant mothers and their will be gnashing and nauling of teeth, etc."
heres a quote from you from the previous page, im wondering what your sources are for the rocks every 23,000 years? it would seem from what ive studied the earth may cleanse itself more often than this... i have come across acounts of fire, ice, darkness but not specifically rocks yet, (although there are a LOT of texts i havent had a chance to read yet). every race of all 4 corners of the earth in history has recorded a story of a flood wiping out civilization most recently (for the record the story of noah in the bible is almost an exact copy of an older summarian tale called the 'epic of gilgamesh' in regards to the flood)but similar stories can be found in hundreds of different tribes from eastern china to central/south america, to the inuit in northern arctic regions, with eerie similarities.
many myths talk about cycles of destruction and the different races of man that have preceeded us. (many believe as a race we have become weaker each time).
according to the mayan calendar the start of our most recent age is 3114 BC, the cycle of this age is predicted to end December 23, 2012. A span of around 5,000 years.