if you check my posts, not so much but few of them long will learn about my condition, a terrible systematic candidasis which came out after a 2 years non stop
Antibiotic treatment of prostatitis without any probiotic taken, combined with a 1 year tuna diet which I believe overload my body with mercury and made my condition even most unbearable.
My usual simptoms were (and few of still ARE, but milder): extreme intollerance to 99% of the foods, covering thiol foods and carbs, especially
Sugar making me crazy, generating severe anger/
Depression episodes, combined with an itching and rashes around the penis, frequent urination and insomnia for few days.
Few months ago I was really worse, especially psychcally, including social paranoia, especially on rainy days, bad sleep, depression, and worse reaction to all 'no-foods'.
I got as well gastritis and colitis.
On December I started taking the following 4 asian mushrooms:
Ganoderma (Reishi), Maitake, Sheetake, Curious Versicolor, and the following 3 asian herbs: Ashwagandi, Brahmi, Kavcha.
Please note that I have taken Raishi raw on powder but it had no effect, untill I got spores from Reishi AND TOOK ALL MUSHRROMS ON CAPSULES BEFORE MEAL, COMBINED WITH CICORY COFEE AND PROBIOTIC.
The first one week I felt strange, having very good and very bad episodes. I take them for 6 months now, but on the 2nd month I was already a new man. Yes, I am still ill, struggling with how to finally deal with my condtion once forever and to get cured (trying some kind of chelation), I am STILL ILL, but I FEEL PERFECT!
Depression dissapeared, my insomnia dissapeard, my social paranoia dissapeared, even my gastitis and colitis dissapeared as well on 90%!
Now I know I am ill but I don't sufer from it and I believe I will not stop taking these herbs the next few months as well.
I reccomend them to anyone who is ill, not only the candida sufferers. I have heard Reishi can help even with cancer!
I want to share the other thing which helped me tremendously with my general condition so much. It has been mentioned on the forums maybe, but for anyone who have not tried, it is the Frolov's respiratory device. Lots of folks are so sceptical about it, having the ability even to cure Diabetis II on 100%, so was I as well, but when you start using it you will find out that first, it is not so easy as it looks like, and second, lol how do I feel! It is just like being on the mountain. I had huge troubles using it in the beging, especially while learning to breath with my stomach, I have to say that I felt really SHARP improvement on all of my condition, literally the next day when I made my first training on 20 min/17 ml water/10 sec breathing.
As it is long story about the Frolovs device I will just mention it is 100% physiological, despite the fact some folks connect it to some spiritual asian traditions, which I do not accept because I am an Orthodox Christian.
The device mechanism is explained in the Frolovs book I read from the begining to the end, it is not so simple, but in 2 words: Most healthy people live in mountains, where there is less Oxygen. Breathing with the device makes our body to learn to live with less OUT-gotten oxygen and to produce MORE INTERNAL oxygen. I am sure now as everywhere there will be sceptical folks who will try to convince me this are bullsh*** and this device may even harm, I am already learned not to listen to anyone, my advice to you is to listen to your body and see what helps you. I feel obliged to inform all ill people about this device, helping ANY desease, and pretending to CURE most deseases.
Generally, when we take oxygen from outside, the erithrocites get high electro-energy from the burning of the lots of oxygen we took from inside, therefore, while trying to reach all end-cells of our body to deliver this energy, they are so overwelmed with it, that they just break down the vasculars near the heart, 'bombing' one into each other whilte traveling in them, and when they reach the end cells of the body, they have no more energy on their membranes, which to give to the membranes of the end body cells.
What the device do is, to breath wuth 'under water' effect, as the air is being inhaled trough a water. This makes presure to the alveoles, which get more inflated, therefore, touch more erithorictes, to give energy after burning oxygen. IN the same time, you breath from the air you have just breathen out, so you get less oxygen, then the burning process is less intensive, and the energy given to the erithrocites is smaller.
In case A we got X number of dangerous and not effective erithoricties, which break down the heart vasculars, and do not give energy to our cells, who need this energy to produce another energy - ATP, clear themselves, cure themselves, prodice internal water and ixygen, etc, etc....
In case B (with the device) we got 10 times X number erithrocites, with optimal energy load, which effectivly reaches all cells in our body.
Then all cells in the body can 'breath', and do their own work without problems.
You will see how you will feel after using the device, as it works on the principle of erithrocties, the organs with most blood gets improved first, these are brain, kidneys, intestinals. Skin deseases are most hardly cured therefore.
Psychical condition is the first to improve - I already cured myself from HORRIBLE
Depression AND INSOMNIA. Another improvments come later.
The golden rule here is : DO NOT HURRY!!! If you hurry to achieve longer breath out than needed you will overwhelm your body and you will have to go back.
Try to get the device, read carefully all instructions and start slowly. BE careful! There are tons of false devices of false companies, which are not medically tested by russian medical fedeartion like this one, and they can even get you more sick, The only one proper device is the one produced by 'Lotos' company in russia, Omsk city. You have to check their delivery status, or ask a friend in Russia to buy one and send it to you. In Russia they are on every pharmacy just for 10 EUR.
If you contact 'Lotos' I must warn you not to take anytning from their 'spiritual' books, ideas, etc.. which they try to connect with the device. I must say that so that my conscience is calm. I am a christian and I try to help people get improved just like me, just need to warn them to stay away from all these spiritual ideas (which are also tendency on chinese medicine), which I believe are part of the devlis word and concentrate on the neutral medicine physiological part of the threatment.
Have a good luck, God bless you and help you with cure of your disease.