Before you do anything - get tested, especially if you do believe you have secondary TMAU. Nobody knows your body like you do, so if in doubt, always get checked out.
There are many ways to detox, but one of my favorite recommendations is the following:
1. Purge - Clear toxic accumulations, dysbiotic bacteria fungal or parasitic infestation from the bowel. The bowel cleanse.
2. Cleanse - Release toxic accumulations from the liver and rest of the body. The deep cleanse phase.
3. Feed - Repair and regenerate the digestive system, liver and kidneys to promote and maintain an optimal clearance of toxic accumulation. Rejuvenate the digestive bacterial population. The digestive repair.
Some folks believe you "can't" detox adequately without saunas, others say you cannot cleanse without colonics. I don't believe this to be the case, personally, as there as as many ways to cleanse as there are people.
The whole idea with detoxification is to move towards a cleaner way of living. You'd be surprised at the difference it can make!
But as I mentioned - first eliminate or not whether you have any TMAU concerns.