I am just starting out making kefir. I got some grains from someone off of CL and they looked great.
Anyhow, I strained the grains (they arrived in milk) and then put them in a kerr jar and filled it 1/2 way with whole organic milk from the store.
I put 2 layers of cheesecloth over the top, then the rim to hold it on. I was worried about exploding! :)
I then placed the jar in an unplugged, unused, clean mini fridge (about 2x the size of a mini colledge fridge) that we were storing down in the basement. Temp is around 74 degrees down there.
Is that ok, or will the mini fridge "choke" off the kefir grains? My thought process was it will be stable temps, clean, no critters can get to it, and should there be an accident it's only a small fridge I'd need to clean. :)