Chiron and Kate, Loren Lockman has no credentials whatsoever in fasting supervision: he has had no internship with anyone including the INHS who do advocate at least a 6 month internship with qualified and experienced personnel.
It is not only the deaths I am concerned about under his care but his callous disregard for quite a number of his clients who have appeared on the water-fast group on facebook where I am an admin.
The criticism of Loren, Kate does not come mostly from his competitors, but from his former clients who were supervised by him on their fasts at Tanglewood; he has moved premises several times for legal reasons, and why he operates from Costa Rica rather than the States where he was convicted for practicing medicine without a licence, after representing to the public that he was authorized to practice medicine!!!: this would not apply to any other fasting retreat within the United States.
"I called Doug Graham's website and they do not recommend this place at all (Tanglwood). Said they have heard way too many bad stories and bad recovery program.
Then I asked a natural hygenist who's really experienced and I didnt tell her what I already knew. She just gasped for air and said no way , not there".
I gave Loren the "benefit of the doubt" for a long time, but realized his ways rather late. He is a thoroughly discredited individual who argued with me much of the time despite the facts that I know. He is autocratic and dictatorial and denounces most all other Hygienic Doctors including Bass and in particular Dr Joel Fuhrman MD, referring to hime as "just an MD", but he is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable fasting supervisors and nutritional experts alive today.
Put it this way: would you rather have your fast supervised by qualified personnel who have received a 6 month fasting internship at a reputable retreat?, or from someone who has read a few books?
This is why I would not, and have not supervised anyone's fast myself, despite my knowledge of the subject.