I used to trust Dr. Mark Sircus, but he continues to steer folks to Alpha Omega Labs for Lugol's. Makes me wonder whether he has a personal financial stake in the company, or if he simply isn't aware of the deception.
No wonder I suffered so much Herx when I graduated from 2.2% Alpha Omega to 5% Crow's. I realize this is an old thread. I found it in a Google search for "7% lugols iodine solution". Thanks Trapper -- I almost got sucked in again. I should have known something was wrong when they were offering to ship 8 oz. bottles of "7% Lugol's" to the USA. Fortunately their web store is "down for maintenance". Mark
(posted in response to http://curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1508011)
JSomehow the magnets shifted, just slightly, on my latest bottle of SSKI and there is a little of the salts collected on the threads where the cap goes.
These magnets definately keep the sski from precipitating out onto the threads.
It makes me wonder if this reduces the concentration of iodide when it escapes the bottle?