This site is full of people who comment about how crappy this awful condition has made their life. And I have been there.
And there are even people who speak of suicide.
Days like today should remind everyone on here that we should be thankful that EC is the worst of our problems. Although it may seem like the worst thing in the world at times, it certainly is not.
Think about those affected by the bombing in Boston. Hundreds of people injured, many whose injuries will change their lives forever. Many who will never have legs and will never have the privilege of walking again. And of course those few who have been killed. Including an innocent 8 year old. This 8 year old could have be your sibling, child, family member.
We should all be thankful that EC is the worst of our problems. It could be so much worse. And for people to even think about suicide is almost disrespectful to those throughout the world who are going through real hardships.
So when you look in the mirror and feel like shit because your lips look bad, think about how much worse it could be. And thank God that this is the worst thing in your life...
Im proof that this condition can be improved, and hopefully healed. At times I truly believed that I may live with this the rest of my life. But if you are relentless in trying to heal it, then its possible. Be relentless people. And be thankful.