Thats a tough one, most people on this forum seem to be in long term relationships with committed partners .. or single. Having done the relationship route, it is real tough given our situations, lots of added stress and misread expectations. We don't realize how much different our lives are with these issues til your pared with someone whose completely healthy.. anyways..
What I have found is that as my health improves my confidence and social energy has also really bumped from where they were. So my advice would be to focus inward on yourselves, get your bodies healthy and the relationships will develop naturally after that. Others will gravitate towards you once you project a feeling of confidence and health, but IMO if you try to hard to push that before your health is ready it will just add to the stress.
I suppose the other option is to find someone else with health or other issues, and develop some kind of co-dependent relationship. To each his own, but this could present challenges too as we aren't really able to support people in most cases because it takes so much energy to support ourselves.