I am new to the group. Have been watching and reading for about a month now. I discovered the
Iodine protocol when searching for natural options for my mother, who just finished 20 weeks of chemotherapy and is scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy tomorrow morning. For over 20 years I have been searching for natural solutions to my own issues and know that the cancer will return, despite all of the allopathic intervention unless we change the conditions in her body. What I didn't know is that researching for her might lead me to my own answer as well.
My first exposure was to Dr. Brownstein's book, then I found
Breast Cancer Choices and have since read Lynne's book as well. The information resonated with a lot of my own struggles, so I began Iodoral and the companion nutrients about 9 weeks ago once I was comfortable with the info in Dr. Brownstein's book. I started with 6.25 MG and stepped up my dosage. I am now at 75 MG.
I am 41 and have dealt with depression, fatigue, diet and exercise resistant weight gain, headaches, low body temperature, chronic sinusitis, heart palpitations and chest vibrations at night when I go to bed, extreme lethargy, the appearance of cherry angiomas and many other random symptoms since the birth of my first child 11 years ago. I went to my D.O. for yet another full physical in January, and as usual, was told there is nothing wrong with me. All blood work, urine, saliva tests, EKG, BP - normal. Obviously, it is not normal to feel this way, so I have totally taken matters into my own hands. I have been seeing an ND for the past 4 years as well, but she was perplexed as to why we could not get improvement. After my research, she and I both believe
Iodine might be the key to unlocking health for me. I am on no prescription medications.
Since beginning Iodoral, my breasts have been very painful and my lymph nodes in my arm pits are swollen. I also have kidney pain and this weird numb feeling in my lower back. I have also had a mild, aching pain in my right abdominal area between my appendix and gallbladder. So far my temperature still hovers around 96.4. I have not seen improvement in any area yet, just intensification of existing symptoms and additional ones that I assume are from bromine detox. The hardest has been the depression. I have not felt this bad in that area for years. I have been doing salt pushes and taking additional vitamin C to manage the detox symptoms.
I realize that everyone must make their own choices on how to manage their protocol since this is a highly individual journey. However, I could use some reassurance that others have been in this place, made it through and thrived. Right now it is difficult and even a little scary. It's also frustrating since I had such high hopes. In my head I know it is ridiculous to expect miracles after 9 weeks when it took years to get here, but emotions are all over the place.
Someone hold my hand, please! :)