I was with my daughter shopping this one time looking for bras and she wanted this underwire bra; I told her "No. Remind me when we get home to show you why."
I knew I had an underwire still in my drawer and I put it on to show her just where the wire puts pressure on the tissue of a woman's body. Then I pulled up the internet and showed her diagrams of the lymphatic system...and the clusters of lymphnodes in that area.
I showed her how easily bras can become creators of disease by how they can stop the flow of drainage from the lymph glands.
It was funny how quickly thereafter there was an ad on tv for the "Ahhh" bra.
She liked those. Even moreso, she likes those tanktops with built-in "shelf" bras (extra layers of cloth under the tanktop). Also, her tanktops are actually worn
under another lowcut or sheer top, so she's actually 'protected' with
three layers of clothing from an immodest 'projection'.
She said, "I just HATE it when a guy stares at your chest instead of your face when you're talking to him."
I told her, "Well, guys are naturally visually stimulated, so they DO love the female form; but you're right, if they were
respectful of you as a person, they'd look at your face while they're
talking to you. Look at having a large chest this way: You'll know which guys to 'weed out' of the dating process." LOL
She's SO mature now. I wanted her "ok" before hitting the "send message" button on this text. She totally understands guys love staring at her chest and she actually doesn't mind that. (She IS quite large, and she says, "I really don't mind guys staring - MY problem, is that I DON'T want a guy to date me ONLY BECAUSE of my chest - I want him to date me for ME, not for my chest).
I believe the ingestion of
Iodine helps her to "instinctively" know what guys to avoid or deny. She recently said no to a guy who wanted to date her. He got angry and reported to another classmate, "That's ok. I only wanted her for her chest, anyway."
oh Lord
My young lady turns 17 this fall. I'm so proud of her for allowing me to print this. She KNOWS what her peers have to face and deal with on a daily basis.