Tena Cious
I wonder if anyone else suffers of this and if these problems could be rooted in the GI tract...
Everytime I go outside and walk even one hour, I will get a very uncomfortable burning sensation in my feet, which become hot. When I arrive home and remove the socks (what a relief) the feet will be veiny and red, and always smelly. So practically I have smelly feet always. In my house I use house slippers invariably to avoid this, however, this problem its most severe outside, indicating that social phobia plays a role.
There is flaky eczema at the sides of my nose, in the worst days it affected the eyebrows and slightly the forehead too. If I scratch my skin it gets swollen. This is called dermotographism or dematographic urticaria. Another thing I have its that my head icthes and has dandruff, but also I get an awful pricking sensation everytime I workout or exercise (alone) and have slight breakouts of hives especially in chest and arms. I also get this in stressful situations like social, being insulted, intense quarrelling etc. Sadly, for me its stressful almost any form of social interaction. Just a walk to the store (around 30 minutes) to get goat milk for making kefir will mean a mild experience of punctures at some point. When "the needles" attack the face its the worst...
Oh yeah and I have what people call "a geographic tongue", which its swolllen, cracked and coated. My gums are swollen and they bleed a lot as well.
Finally, since my teen years I have suffered from psychosomatic hyperhydrosis in armpits and sometimes low back. So much that in a few hours I smelt like I had been running a marathon, plus the visual aspect of sweat. The last years of highschool and the attempts in university were hellish. I didnt sweat at all in my home so I quickly learned it was because of social phobia. This symptom seems to have lessened a lot, but some experiences with large groups of new people have shown me it its not cured, its simply that now I control a lot with who I will be.
These symptoms are more than enough to make me feel quite good homebound lol people often say they couldnt live like a prisoner, but walking around with punctures all over, sweating like a pig and Burning Feet Syndrome outweights the relative pleasure of social life.