I've finally received the jars last Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to get a batch together to mail out in the next couple of weeks. I've had a bit of a family emergency that has set me back a bit. My 14 y/o cat, Max, was diagnosed with oral tumor(s) last Monday. My life right now has been pretty much revolving around him. I've been syringe feeding him high calorie food with a pet version of Ensure to keep his weight up along with as many anti-cancer remedies that I can think of. Currently the list includes: IP6, immune supporting mushrooms,
Essiac formula, bloodroot, cats claw, astralagus, venus fly trap, black seed oil.
We had a bit of a set back with bleeding this week on Tuesday. I came home from dropping off my daughter and found Max sitting in his bed with blood all over his muzzle and chest with spatters of blood on the carpet and cat tree. While cleaning him up, I removed a thumb size bloody clump from the side of his mouth. After I got him cleaned up, I carried it off to the vet's for testing and left the cleanup of the blood splatters to my hubs (love that man!). The vet seems to think it may just be a blood clot as the exam of Max the next day showed no real change in his tongue, although it was a brief exam as he was awake and not willing to keep his mouth open while fingers probed inside. I've narrowed the bleeding to the Venus Fly Trap and I've lowered the dose and there's no more bleeding.
Needless to say, the added stress of my boy being sick has taken a toll on my already weak adrenals.
But I'm getting into the grove of getting a schedule down for Max and it's getting easier to tend to him. So hopefully I'll be able to get to the store this weekend and pick up some more coconut oil and arnica oil so I can make a new batch.
Thank you for everyone who volunteered to test the cream for me and I hope that you'll be a little patient with me.