Hi Bkrisp,
I had the same problem with clogged pores on my nose and large pores on my face. brief history...parsite cleanses, colon cleansing, no chemicals in or on my body, daily fasting 18 hours, rebounding and skin brushing when time permits, semi-clean diet. I have very few blemishes but the pores still remained.
This is how I got rid of them. Pascallite clay masks and steam. It takes about 3 weeks and you will see a NOTICABLE difference, though in my case I noticed it imediately.
I am a picker maturally so this was easy for me but steam your face to open the pores, or use it after a shower. I exfoliate with a japanese washing cloth which is kind of rough, then mix the clay with water until it's a nice paste, not too dry or it will dry to fast on your face. Apply a thin layer to your whole face, avoid the eye area, and let it dry. You should be warned that pascallite clay will draw impurities to the surface quickily. The result is that the mask will tingle, get tight and eventually hurt a little, like your skin is being pulled too tight. This is normal. THe longer you leave the mask on, even dry, the redder your face will get because it keeps pulling impurities to the surface. It also stimulates circulation to the skin, which is very good for future breakouts and clearing old debris from under the surface. I do mine for 20-30 minutes about once a week. I would not recommend them everyday, your skin will stay red for days. So after you rinse of the mask, you will notice a few things, red skin, possibly some white heads that easily scratch off and tight shiny skin because the dead top layers are gone leaving fresh skin that is VERY soft and pliable. Blackheads are like corks in your pores, you only see the top, but they actually line the sides of the pores deep down, like an ecrusted intestine. You can remove what is on the surface but the old lining is still clogging the inside, keeping the pore from being really clean or able to work properly. In order for your pores to shrink back to normal size, you have to remove the deep down clogs. I used some techniques I learned from an anestitician, person who does facials, and I when my pores were open and clean, I squeezed as much of it out as I could without hurting the skin. Gross as it sounds, it is the only way to quickly remove the old crap, on the nose especially. You can use tissues to cover your fingers when you squeeze if you want to, this helps with the pain, BUT you dont get deep down with that methid. You could also use a pore cleaner or blackhead remover, but again, it only removes the top. So, I squeezed until it hurts(pushing slightly down, into the skin and not just together. this applies a pressure to push the clog out instead of back into the pore where it will cause a blocked pore) and you wont believe what comes out, especially around the nose! I do not squeeze my face too hard only becasue you can break capilaries and permenantly damage the skin, but around my nose I try to get it all.
So after your donw squeezing, I would wipe your face with some witch hazel to make sure no bacteria from your fingers gets into the open pores and do it all again in a week or a few days.
My personal results were immediate, meaning I noticed the first time(the next day after my skin calmed down) that my pores were VERY clean my skin was very soft. The pores take time to shrink, for me it was about 3 weeks. Now, you can barely see the pores on my nose, most are completely gone! THe area around my nose where the pores were easily visible are so small from a short distance my skin looks really smooth. My forehead and chin are as close to perfect as I think they have ever been. BUT it gets better everytime I do a mask. Now I just randomly put one on when I have time, even without steaming, then squeeze a bit and the next day they are gone again.
This is what celebrities pay the big bucks for BTW, someone to squeeze he crap out of their pores, plus coat them all over again with all the creams and lotions and poisons so they have to come back every month to have this done. This method is chemical free and would be permenant if you cleaned up the diet completely.
Last thought, I would not do this before a big event because you can get a breakout or two from the mask or the picking. Perosnally I didn't have any but the person I heard about the clay masks warned you it was a possibility.