please help. Someone close to me has been going through hell for years. Now things have come to an all time low. First, he has herniated discs in his neck. Constant back pain and scapula pain. I believe he has full body inflammation. His whole spine hurts, rib cage, scapula, constant neck pain, arm pain. Now pain is in his hands.
His hearing has become very sensitive and he has become sensitive to smells and a few years ago he feel like he angers easily. He is about 45 years of age. He also has stomach issues--have tried probiotics, etc.
Three years ago he broke his right sesamoid bone--and was given very poor medical advice. He has gone through many doctors, orthotics, etc. The bone has healed but it remains very swollen and painful. He walks all off balance. Now the pain is everywhere, and both feet hurt. Suggestion that the bone be removed--by some doctors.
He use to walk a mile a day--but since he can barely move around anymore--he has totally deteriorated. His nail have deep ridges and pitting and are coming away ever so slightly from the nail beds. He believes he has psoriatic arthritis.