My dad for the past 10 years. Off and on. Say once or twice a Year.
He wakes up from Sleep. Suffocating. Cannot breathe. It last any where between 2 - 8 minutes.
Just Sleeping then wakes up and cannot breathe.
His heart is enlarged(big heart). They stuck something down there to see if anything was blocked. They found nothing of course. Down the throat.
I was thinking it related to Bile. Not enough stomach acid. I was going to try Betaine HCL with some magnesium malate.
He also has had bad reflux for many years which have me the reason to add magnesium malate. Tapeworms. He also has a bloated stomach which gives the Candida away. Also his sugar cravings are increasing as he gets older.
He had mercury fillings removed 10 years ago. I am wondering how he is still functioning weighing over 105kg only 5"10.
Let alone everyone else who I functioning. It's makes me wonder why people have kids. It's like infecting your self and your kids.
It's horrible. Ah well any advice would be good Newport or elsewhere!
I ask cause it just happened tonight. Mum freaks out really bad. I have calm everyone. I am good with it since I have been what I have been through. They don't understand anything:(
Thank you
P.s I was going to try some Bear Garlic as well clear his arteries.