Hi Cynthia,
Thanks for your insight. Because I had the IUD for almost the full 5 years, I have a feeling it will take me longer to recover. There are some moments through out the day, where I think "Wow I feel normal". And Night time rolls around and its maddening.
I called Bayer yesterday and reported my symptoms.
Apparently nervousness was reported in 1% of those on Mirena so it is listed as a side effect.
Who I blame for giving me this awful thing, is my former OBGYN who is male. He said that "Mirena is what they use for BC." Wish someone would have explained the side effects.
Because of this experience, I will be taking a closer look at any medications I may be prescribed in the future.
I am willing to try accupuncture, anything to get rid of this panicky paranoia shit.
Im naturally a nervous person, but not to the point of having GAD.
I think talking about it here or any place to vent, will help people like us get thru what we need to get thru.
Its nice to know, that I am not crazy.
Thanks again,