Hello. I could really use your expertise. To make a long story short I traveled the weekend before last and became constipated, which is completely normal for me so I was not worried. I didn't go to the bathroom for the three days I was away, again normal for me, although usually I go every morning. I got home late at night and the next day my bowels started back up and I went to the bathroom 3-4 times but it was very small amounts, soft long pencil-like. By the next day and with no change I started to become worried. I googled and found that I had symptoms of a partial impaction. I started taking the max dose of Collace daily. Still going small amounts in the morning, but not enough, and passing gas, but by the end of the day I feel super bloated, distended and painful under my left rib. Get up in the morning go a bit and feel marginally better but that night right back to the way I was. So on day 5 I started taking MOM which caused crazy diarrhea but no hard stool. The next day I decided I had reached the enema stage. I purchased a fleet enema followed the directions but once again, what went in is what came out. I read about manual dis-impaction but can feel nothing with my finger in the lower colon. Now I'm getting worried that its higher up so I google again. Almost everywhere I look says the fleet enemas are useless if the impaction is farther up and as long as I can still partially go and pass gas, then the next step should be to do a larger 1-2 liter mild soap enema. I didn't really want to do this so I have been continuing with the Collace, good diet, belly massage and tons of coconut water daily. Now I'm at day nine with no change and I feel like I have no other choice for home remedy other than the large enema. Here's the problem. I have had this enema before in the hospital a few days after a surgery bc I could not go to the bathroom. It worked w/i 30 seconds but they put it through very quickly I started to cramp and begged them to stop. By the time they stopped the enema I was screaming in blinding pain, choking on sobs, couldn't breath it hurt so bad. They said I was going into shock but luckily came out of it fairly quickly. It was worse than childbirth. And the nurses were rude and unsympathetic. Said I should have been more relaxed and maybe I wouldn't have cramped. At that point I wished I had just done it myself slowly at home and vowed never to repeat that experience. So here we are...
I feel like I should give the larger enema at home a try before going to the hosp esp since I dont have health insurance. At this point I am still going to the bathroom small amounts everyday and passing gas so I feel I do still have time to give myself the best shot to handle this at home. I have heard that giving enemas at home can be dangerous but I also have read that TONS of people do them at home themselves very regularly with no issues and since this is not an often thing for me it should be ok. However given my past experience you can imagine I am a bit scared. Does anyone have advise they can give me for how to make this as pleasant and pain free of an experience as it cant be. Also any steps I can take to avoid any obvious complications that can occur. I would really appreciate it.