Hi, I started Paleo completely about three days ago. I eliminated grains, beans, white
Sugar and dairy. I have mostly been eating cooked vegetables, salad, meat, eggs and 1 fruit per day. I do feel I have lost weight, my clothes feel looser. I started to feel full for longer periods and yesterday I really noticed that my tummy just felt stuffed way into the night and past bedtime. I woke up still feeling full this morning. Today I ate one egg sandwhich which was made up of 2 eggs, avocado and 1 slice of paleo bread which is made out of coconut flour. I have not eaten anything else and my stomach has felt like it has rocks in it all day. I had some gas and some belching later in the evening.
Does anyone have any advice? I almost wonder if Paleo is not for me. I want to experience all the health benefits and weight loss that is touted with Paleo but I grew up eating rice daily, beans weekly and eating less meat and very little nuts. My most current way of eating previous to Paleo consisted of 1 bowl of brown rice weekly, beans maybe 2-4 times per month, vegetables, fruits, dairy, medium amount of meat, sweets. I have been having weight gain and other issues the last two years.