... 30 year "Christian" who never received the Holy Spirit?
Do you have an intellectual book knowledge of who the Lord Jesus is without having actual deep intimate personal relationship with Him all throughout each day as branches attached to the Vine, consistently receiving bread from heaven and drinking living water, eating His body and drinking His blood? Are you more comfortable quoting chapters and verses of epistles from memory than you are loving the Lord Jesus with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and pouring your love into Him and into others, living your lives as living epistles, all of which is a natural bi-product of being immersed in His Holy Spirit? Are you resting in the Lordship of Jesus? Is His yoke easy for you and His burden light? Are you experiencing unspeakable joy and peace that passes all understanding?
John the baptist said, "i baptize with water but one is coming after me whose sandals i am not worthy to untie and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire". Could you possibly be missing this baptism that makes us inseparable from Him and unable to get Him out of our hearts and minds for even a minute? If you haven't received this baptism, can you even begin to imagine what it might be like?
Once 120 frightened believers in the upper room got baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Acts ch 2 and intro in ch 1), they were so filled with the Holy Spirit that their lives became instantaneously transformed into lives of boldness in Jesus. Is this how much you have caught fire for the Lord Jesus? Not only did this level of intense love and commitment for the Lord Jesus exist in the book of Acts, but it actually exists today in the lives of millions of believers throughout the world (including bethel church in redding as one great example among others!).
One of the huge lies within the mainstream church (or misconceptions among some if you prefer) is that the believers in the book of Acts had something that believers don't have today. To a large extent this is true because the mainstream is not teaching and pursuing this, opting rather to emphasize the importance of becoming seminary trained (man taught) experts in doctrinal opinions rather than focusing on becoming Holy Spirit immersed like those in the book of Acts and hearing God for themselves, but there is a remnant of millions today who are living in the supernatural and the miraculous, just as were Stephen, Philip, Peter, Paul and others in the early church. Are you one of these on fire believers or is your relationship primarily intellectual with an emphasis on memorizing verses in a book instead of enjoying deep personal intimacy with Jesus through deep prayer (speaking and listening) and worship, pouring our love out unto Him and through preaching the gospel in love, preferably with accompanying signs and wonders as the Lord Jesus Himself instructed?