Embracing our identity in Christ.
R: I believe that we have to put on the Lord Jesus Christ for this to be true. It is His righteousness that I put on. If I have not done that then my own righteousness is as filthy rags.
M: Agreed Rainy and i believe the maker of the video agrees with this too as it is implicit in his message. His message is about who we are once we have truly come into Christ, no longer sinners but saints, no longer with hearts of stone that are deceitfully wicked, but with new hearts of flesh which God has given to the new creation in Christ (one of the rare instances where flesh is mentioned as something good).
R: I think the more we are filled with His Holy Spirit the easier the battle is. The more of Christ that we put on the easier the battle becomes. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
M: Agreed. Immersed in His Holy Spirit, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. If this is not true in our lives, we might want to be crying out to Jesus for more of His Spirit not unlike what the maker of the new video i posted immediately above this thread is saying.
On Romans chapter 7 vs. chapter 8, no doubt theologians have been arguing opposing viewpoints for many centuries without resolve and this could get into the kind of intellectual debate i prefer not to engage, especially not in this forum, but i do personally see ch. 7 as old nature trying to be righteous in its own effort, a heart of stone sinner whose righteousness is as filthy rags and ch 8 as the true born again baptized in the Holy Spirit embracing our identity in Christ experience where Jesus makes it easy as we simply rest in Him as our Lord by the supernatural power of His Holy Spirit.
Otherwise, Paul would be coming across to me as two different personalities, not one who has been transformed into a new creation in Christ, experiencing the life in the Spirit of chapter 8 while somehow simultaneously experiencing the abject inability to conquor his flesh that we see in chapter 7. I don't believe he was very clear in stating it the way he did, but i believe he was saying that chapter 7 was the old nature and that no way was he still struggling so immensely with his flesh once it got crucified and once his nature became transformed. This is why followers of Jesus are called saints in the new testament, no longer sinners. Thanks be to the Lord Jesus who sets us free from captivity to our sin.