Took it for a few weeks. Didn't notice any difference with it other then making me nauseous and upsetting my stomach.
I have been using Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (35%) for over 3 weeks, and it has made a big difference in my condition. I was already on the Candida No Sugar/Low carb diet for several months, took Anti-Fungals, got decent results but my digestion was getting worse and was losing alot of weight. So I ordered Food Grade HP from EBay, and followed the protocol by Dr. David G. Williams, starting at 3 drops of 35% HP, with water three or more times a day. Im now at 10 drops, and I barely have any symptoms and my digestion is much better. The hard part for me was to stick with it, becuase the die off would make my symptoms much worse for the first 2 weeks. Its important to start slowly and take it 2-3 hours after a meal. I will continue to take the HP until I am 100% symptom free....and then load up on Probiotics and Kefir/Yogurts.