Hey Fury (love the name!)
Many thanks for your message - lots to digest and read - great info in your postings :-)
I might try the Lugol's...i tried a different form of
Iodine - topical skin absorbtion but to be honest i had so many symptoms varying all the time it was to tell what difference the
Iodine made!
I've put on a few kilo's since i was severely ill...now i'm 48kg! It's been a hard road...and i'm sure that re-mineralising with good quality salts and minerals, plus adrenal supplements has helped hugely in getting my body out of severe ketosis and into 'building' mode again. It's going slow but i'm glad for the improvement - i feel a lot better too.
Selenium is a problem for me - it's very low but every time i supplement with it i get severe headaches. They last 48hrs after taking it. In your experience are there different forms of selenium that are better than others, and don't cause headaches?
I know with low selenium there's not much chance of getting my thyroid in tip top shape.
Your issues sound so similar to my own - i'll enjoy reading your posts and healing journey...sounds like you've made huge improvements :-) Well done! We all need inspiration :-)
Hope you're continuing to improve...thanks so much for the info!