(Posted by someone and taken from the above link) "Finally found a diagnosis causing my foul odor. It's called internal intussusception. My main symptoms were foul odor unrelated to hygiene, incomplete evacuation, constant gas, and the lack of urge to go. Please go see a colo-rectal surgeon an stop wasting your time with GIs. You will need a test called Dynamic MRI of the Pelvic Floor which is difficult to find, you will have to look around."
What do you guys think , I have just seen 4 more people from different sites saying they had a dynamic MRI of pelvis done and were diagonised with internal rectal intussusception which is when the rectum blocks passages causing a person to have symptoms like constipation, flatulance, rectal bleeding, bowel difficulties, failure to defecate or lacking the urge to go, the odor that everyone can smell except you etc. To cure this they did a surgery called abdominal rectopexy and the odor was gone. So as for me I'm going to try and find a colorectal surgeon and show him the posts by those people and do the test called dynamic MRI to see if I have the internal intussusception but it is said that the test is difficult to find and I pray to God I have that as I can then just cure it with the surgery. Here are some more links