How my story began....
I was on my way to the doctor for my broken arm, I had been in a cast for several months due to a broken wrist. I was getting my cast off and I remember it like yesterday. The technician cut my cast off and I noticed bumps on the inside of my fingers and asked him if he has seen this before he said it was just a mild skin irritation.
I continued to watch my hands get worse and worse and after much research I saw that It could possibly be two things, the first was something that pertains to my career field in dentistry and that was Herpes whitlow which scared me enough to goto the dermatologist immediately. The second was pompholyx and that is what my dermatologist diagnosed me with.
I thought I was in the clear he gave me some powerful steroid creme and told me it would go away. Well I used the cream and it went away for a couple of weeks then came back with a vengeance and after reading the warnings on continued use of steroid creams I decided there had to be another way.
Let me tell you I understand your misery before I offer hope I know what it means to not be able to touch the people you love for fear that you might infect them somehow or being terrified of the shower and dishes because you know your skin will only get worse, how you have to read and become an expert on every chemical and product out there that comes in contact with your body. I also know what it means to have hope and not give up so that is what I am asking you to do before you read my cure.
My Cure
It took me a solid year of testing to find the right quantities mixture and products that could do what I asked. I have tested it on many skin types and even on my dog. It has treated everything from poison ivy to puncture wounds and abcesses. The reason it can do all this is because I did not design this to sell something, I made this to cure me. I made this with keeping in mind what you need to tackle all the problems to get the right answer. So I asked myself what does my skin need to beat this, it needs vitamin E for repair, it needs protection from the elements and contaminents, it needs to be able to treat what ever maybe irritiating and causing infection of any kind. So I developed a mixture of oils and butters derived from trees and other plants. These oils and butters have been in use by humans for over a 1000 years and are used to treat many things. My oil is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial has a huge amount of vitamin E and can protect your skin from harsh conditions. Unlike other lotions, creams and what not my oil actually gets absorbed in your skin and you will not believe how healthy your skin will look after a few treatments. I mix it to the specifications of your skin not mine, I use the same oils and butters but in different quantities depending on what stage your skin is at. If you have lots of bubbles I put more oil that will dry them out and kill any harmful elements. If you have severe cracking without active infections I use more moisturizing and repairing oils and butters.
All I am asking from you the reader is some encouragement to make this available to the public.
I have a full time job in dentistry and I want to know if there is enough demand or interest in my treatment. I would be willing to give free samples due to the fact a little goes a long way but I dont want my time or money to be wasted.
If you are truly interested in getting your life back from eczema and pompholyx please respond to this message.