revised today
SEX AND DIET revised Dec 1, 2014
Fruitarian and vegan diets support optimal sexual functioning whereas animal,
bird, and fish flesh as well as animal products retard functioning.
(If you are celibate for spiritual or other reasons, please do not take offense.)
Sons of coweating mothers have lower sperm counts and some infertility, according to a team at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York which analyzed data on the partners of 387 pregnant women in five US cities
between 2000 and 2005, and on the mothers of the fathers-to-be.
In addition, the stronger acidity fluid of sperm in nonvegetarians reduces sperm count.
Gynecomastia is swelling of male breasts, due in the US mainly to the
government's allowance of female hormones given to cows, hormones banned in
europe before the World Trade organization 'court'' forced European countries to
accept American dairy products. these hormones cause breast, uterine, cervical,
ovarian and prostate cancers.
A. The chief cause of impotence is animal fat from meat fish and dairy blocking the
penile arteries.. Plaques of uric acid in meat and residue of homocysteine in meat are also factors.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers of ">//,479,1481"> erectile Dysfunction drugs have hidden the
correlation of their drugs to blindness. the increased pressure from these drugs
on already blocked arteries causes arterial pipebursts. Michael Klaper MD has
lectured and written on the fact that a 1/4 blockage in the penile arteries multiplies the pressure by 16
The brutal castration and branding pain inflicted on bulls causes a karmic
return to some of the men eating their cadavers.
B. Female hormones given to cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys as well as their urea excreation into water systems which affect fish as well are estrogens suppressing testosterone and male sexual function.
C. Potassium nitrate (saltpeter) has been added to food on military bases and in prisons to suppress testosterone and is also a preservative in cured meats and cheeses.
D. Antidepressants are just one of the many kinds of medications which cause impotence. Victor G Vecki's book Sexual Impotence mentions salicylic acids as well can inhibit sexual performance.
Unnatural Sexua| Excitation
Female hormones in animal flesh (in the us and some other countries) constantly
unnaturally sex appetites with consequent correlation to rape, pedophilia.
Energy and Endurance
Carnivores like lions give out after a short sprint Dr Irving Fisher at
primate abusing Yale found that randomly selected vegetarians could hold their
arms at length 9 times longer than members of the yale football team. Scott
Jurekis one of several vegan athletes who have set records at iron man contests.
Weight Loss And Beauty
Dr Mervyn Hardinge's isocaloric studies revealed that after 3 months on the same
number of calories, nonvegetarians weighed the most, dairy vegetarians an
average 11
lbs. less, vegans 23
lbs. less while fruitarians not in the study
weighed less than the other 3 groups.
The butyric acid in animal fat causes an offensive smell in the skin. This used to be a complaint of Asians about Westerners, but now with rising meat consumption in parts of Asia it is also a problem in the East.
The adrenalin hormones secreted by terrorized animals for days in transit to
slaughter and in the slaughterhouse saturate the flesh. cooking only partially
breaks down the links in the hormones. eating meat is correlated to aggression,
in general and in the sex life.
Spiritual teachers write that sexuality is energy and that those who waste it in
momentary pleasure have less energy for enduring work.
The sexua| fluids of nonvegetarians are more acidic and bitter (less alkaline)
than those of vegetarians vegans and fruitarians. This is an additional factor
preventing pregnancy.
Promiscuity in both straight and gay populations reduces life expectancy
Sexual Orientation.
Promiscuous gay and straight men live an average 7 years less than
nonpromiscuous gay and straight men,. from immune deficiency diseases caused by
adapting to the organisms in other systems, from STD's in general, and from
correlation to violence. just as a human being's immune system is exhausted more
each time he or she consumes another animal, in the same way, immune systems are
harmed by multiple sex partners. Anal sex creates more health hazards because of
the ecoli (colon bacteria). and muscle rupture. In oral sex, one is confronted
with the amazing variety of toxic organisms from the eating of animal flesh.
Promiscuous gay and straight men and women spread aids, syphilis, gonorrhea,
clamydia, crabs etc. to the general population. Promiscuity becomes a public
health issue.
Intelligence in mate
If you want an intelligent life partner,
studies indicate that vegetarians vegans and fruitarians
are smarter. Shakespeare in Twelfth Night: "He is a heavy
eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit."
There are 3.8 million links on uric acid (the pre-urine in animals' cells when they are killed) as a cause of premature baldness.
Prostitution.. differing opinions
Street prostitution:
1. exploits the young
2. exploits the poor on the streets
3. attracts 2 way crime
a. the corner hooker's pimps are often muggers of the johns
b. the hookers are beaten both by pimps and johns
4. spreads lethal diseases (aids and syphilis kill..
cervical cancer, gonorrhea, clamydia, crabs and other std's)
5. busts families
6. p 0 r n o g r a p h y is linked to rape, incest, pedophilia, prostitution and other
7. The hormones given by monsanto and other corporations to
animals in concentration camps stimulate unnaturally the sex drive.
8. Around the world, young women and sometimes men are enslaved, not free to
leave. from polygamous men in Saudi arabia, Utah, Arizona to Thai and Burmese
child prostitution, the worship of beauty of form in youth causes kidnappings
and death.
9. The very military which says it wants to rescue women from the Taliban (but
not from Saudi Arabian sheiks) is the one which through its familybusting, keeps
prostitution houses going in Dubai and elsewhere.
10. The problems of an extended military in providing for the sex needs of
confined men has led to international incidents of rape in Japan, Okinawa,
Germany etc.
Call girl rings cause 3, 4 and 5 in the above list.
Some libertarians want prostitution legalized (someone once said he wanted to
give the civil service exams)...others want it outlawed.. most don't want it out
on the street. selling the body for money is legal in the Netherlands, Thailand
and in parts of Nevada etc. These places have become magnets for crime.
Some think that prostitutes service the unattractive, the handicapped.
4 anecdotes:
A psychic healer able to see auras said to a woman not realizing that she was a
hooker: "have you had a lot of different sex partners?.. the aura below your
waist is brown".
she was not offended but intrigued by his perception. he told her that she
exchanged karma with every partner she had.
A traveling man: "Watching p 0 r n on HBO inflamed me so much that
I went out on the prowl looking for action "
A man about to attempt to seduce a young blonde woman
was given a psychic vision of her in her previous life, as
a nonagenarian male. the vision was a lustbuster
Lust is God's way of binding together former life foes that they work out karma
-Tanya Siri- paraphrased some partnerships are the opposite... a reward for past
life good
-saiom shriver-