Wow this forum has got busier in the last few years!
So I've had EC for years, I won't explain my history again simply search for my old threads if you're interested.
Basic details
* Had EC for about 7 years
* Derm said lips were worst condition ever seen
* Now my lips aren't perfect, but look normal. They are just always really sticky because of thin dry layer on top
* Occasionally they dry out a bit more where they feel rough (after heavy drinking or something)
My main points are:
* Stopping using mouthwash eliminated the thick scaly flakes of skin almost immediately
* I rinse my lips thoroughly during and after brushing teeth to prevent those nasty chemicals in toothpaste spending much time there
* I do not use shaving foam or any other cosmetic products on my face
* I rinse my lips with water whenever I go to the toilet, and after eating
* Avoid cheap food and sauces that could contain nasty chemical ingredients. If you eat some, rinse lips immediately by drinking water
If you have EC please do the above as I'm convinced these have a massive effect, although I don't believe they are solely to blame for the problem
My main concern is:
* If this is contact dermatitis from chemicals in toothpastes etc, why are my ex-girlfriends lips now going through a similar cycle. I'm really keen to rule out that it can be spread by sex. If anybody can help confirm or deny this please let me know. Could it be something in our blood that imbalances something to do this?