MH 108
Does not look like a "KID'S" ring worm to me, but regardless, it is a "skin" infliction and this one appears to have been acidic and burned the tissues and with exposure to air, wold appear slightly scared.
Also if this is the hand, that would seem a strange place for a ring worm, often they hide on the back away from the eyes and kids have have them for a long time before anyone knows it..
Naturally Ring Worm is not a "circular" worm at all:
Ringworm is a contagious infection called tinea corporis that occurs on the body. It is caused by various types of fungus, like those that cause athlete's foot. The name comes from the characteristic ring that appears on the infected person's skin. It has nothing to do with actual worms.
With the "medical" description, basically any fungus being expelled out the skin could be called ring worm.
Basically when dealing with bad skin regardless the reason, the liver often is the foundational problem.