Just another BV site I spend hours reading through while making an expensive shopping list, hopeful that THIS time it will really be cured...oh the life of a twenty-something.
Rather than repeating the same 'ol things we all read through over and over, I want to address some other symptoms and see if anyone out there shares these and if this PH imbalance could be the systemic culprit.
I've read a few people suffer from sharp pains during and after sex. I get these hard to describe sharp pains that prevent me from being sexually active for days sometimes. Is this common? It's almost like a zing when my boyfriend hits a certain spot. Like a hard sharp press on a black and blue on my uterus or something. Then after sex sometimes it goes on like a sore muscle inside. We never had this issue before I started with BV so I wonder if it's linked. Although maybe now I'm just super in tune down there.
Another thing, I suffer from eczema. Only on my hands. I feel as if the eczema comes and goes in flare ups, not unlike BV. Another ailment I've tried everything to prevent only to have it come back again and again because I'm just using ointment to mask the problem not figure out what causes the problem. Is this common among other BV sufferers?
I personally don't know if this is a thing or not but I have a strange taste in my mouth frequently and fear I have bad breath. I have to brush/scrape my tongue, especially the back, everyday and a whitish film usually covers most of the back of my tongue by night time. I've asked my dr about this, I thought it may be thrush but not unlike the BV situation he doesn't seem to be concerned.
I just wonder if these things could all be linked to the underlying PH imbalance and I wonder if any other BV sufferers have these symptoms too?
Last thing. I read all of these herbal treatments and regiments. Do you all continue to be sexually active while experimenting different natural treatments? I've been dealing with this for so much of my relationship now and my bf is seemingly understanding. If I were to stop having sex everytime I tried a new tampon dipped in something or yogurt filled douche routine, I'd have to become a nun! Whether having sex or not while trying something, it always seems to come back. So, if you have one of those success stories, I'd love to know whether or not ya had to put your sex life on hold and for how long.
Thanks for listening!