try these guidlines
and use co emzyme q 10 100 mga day
Use the guide lines below to plan a daily, healthy eating and lifestyle program.
Things to avoid:
1. No Fried food
2. No Table salt (sea salt is ok in moderation)
3. No Cows milk (soy milk, rice milk and goat milk are ok)
4. No White flour (use whole grain or multi grain)
5. No Foods with artificial colors, additives or preservatives
6. No pork, - red meat, chicken and fish are ok
7. No white sugar (use honey *but do not give honey to children under 3 years of age*)
8. No processed foods.
9. Never think of unpleasant things or argue before or during a meal
10. Do not over eat, if you feel full (stuffed) you have had too much.
11. Do not skip meals.
Things to do:
1. Drink six 8oz glasses of spring, or filtered water a day.
2. Have two fruits a day (one of cup each)
3. Have six cups of vegetables a day, some of them raw, and some of them green (one cup of each).
4. Have one 8oz. Glass of grape juice every day. This helps improve circulation.
5. Have a cup of oat meal every day (oat meal lowers cholesterol)
6. Have a cup of brown rice or potato every day
7. Have 2 cups of meat, soy, or legumes every day.
8. Always stop eating before you feel full (stuffed).
9. Think pleasant thoughts and be nice to everyone before and during a meal.
10. Walk 20 minutes every day. Walking lowers your chance of heart attack and heart disease by 50%, and lowers you risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer by 30%.
11. Do dry skin brushing followed by warm/cool shower every day.
The Benefits of Dry-Skin Brushing
1. Removes dead layers of Skin and other Impurities.
2. Keep the pores open.
3. Stimulates blood circulation.
4. Increases the eliminative capacity of your skin.
5. Improves Lymph fluid flow.
How to do the Dry Brush Massage
1. Use a soft bristle brush about the size of your hand. A natural bristle brush is best.
2. Start with the soles of your feet, brush in a vigorous rotating motion.
3. Brush in this order: feet, legs, hands arms, back, abdomen, chest, neck.
4. The average time to brush the whole body is 2-5 minutes.
5. Following the brush massage, take a warm shower for 30 seconds, then rinse with cool water for 30 seconds, repeat warm/cool, warm/cool two times.