healing naturally
If you are using precise amounts of ascorbic acid and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) 1 tsp ascorbic acid to 1/2 tsp baking soda (be sure and use measuring spoons to measure and make them level, not rounded, then there should be no problem with buffering the Vit. C every day. 1 tsp of ascorbic acid + 1/2 tsp baking soda, mixed in water and allowed to fizz, then stir and allow to fizz again, repeating the stirring till no more fizzing takes place; the ascorbic acid mixes with the baking soda and it gives off carbon dioxide (that is the fizzing), and the resulting solution is sodium ascorbate, a pH neutral form of Vit. C. As long as you are precise in your measurements and allow the solution to adequately fizz, there is no sodium bicarbonate left in the solution when you drink it.