best medication i have ever come across, and ive heard stories about how it can normalize ASD's remarkably.. and it does same for me.
i actually think this herb is literally designed to help counter the pharmacollogical effects of living in this matrix. seratonnin seems to tap us in to beauty, emotion, pain and pleasure, has one of the strongest recipricol relationships with endorphins to combat the potential for anxiety/stress(which the archon level hi-jacks), and more im sure.
in short, perhaps main neurotransmitter system designed to tap us into what any Opposer wants to take u away from, the beauty and likely perfection of the **original** system/pro-matrix, therefore making one more likely to reject "the path of faith" and take "the path of mind", giving into the archon pressure to partake in perversion and short circuit our ability to feel/soul+connection, leaving little but intillect and instinct, a phenomena of degree of course, not black or white -- with ASD folks most strongly being at the receiving end of this agenda(hence their charateristic emotional incompetence and hyper intilluctualism). therefore the normalizing effects of this herb are most obvious and pronounced with ASD's, when really it is doing something similar for everyone, but to a lesser degree.
but in theory that would be the original herb, who knows what people are getting on the streets nowdays.
in short i see it as a "pass the time in hell better" plant alley, which includes taking u away from ceartin levels of competence that this matrix is designed to increase and take us towards -- which is why Jedi's should not wholefully partake in..
thats why i was like: fck that noise, jedi-ism can suck it, i need my friggin herb beeitch