Several years ago I ran across an item in a Deepak Chopra book. Rub your entire body with sesame oil, leave it on a few minutes and then take a shower. You will not wash off the entire amount of oil since your skin will absorb some. I tried it and it works wonderfully. Since good sesame oil is hard to find and pricey I use some good extra light olive oil.
I used to have a problem with cracked lips, fingers, and feet. Lotion helped some but never eliminated the problem . Once I started doing the oil rub all those problems disappeared. Seems to have made my skin more elastic. I had gotten away from this and right now with a thumb cracked and painful I remembered the treatment. I just finished oiling with the extra light olive oil and showering. My skin is baby-skin soft. The air has been dreadfully dry for a while and I was feeling it. The oil treatment seems to have energized me a little.
Thought I would pass it along. Stuff works good.