Barbara H. Peterson
If you want to buy Iodine in a feed store in Oregon for your animals, you had better run right over to your local car dealership and buy yourself a vehicle first. Yes, that’s right. If you don’t own a vehicle registered with the DMV, then you either have to have someone else present his/her vehicle registration papers to the proper authorities, or your iodine buying days are over.
I went to town with my neighbor and she drove. Since my goats are getting ready to kid, I thought it would be a good idea to get some sort of iodine solution to treat the umbilical cords. No biggie, just a routine stop at the local Big R feed store. I looked around and decided on Triodine-7. According to the website, this is “for topical application on the skin to disinfect superficial wounds, cuts, abrasions, insect bites and minor bruises.” And it dries up the umbilical stump quickly. So, I put a bottle in my cart along with my goat minerals. Then I approached the cash register. And so it began…
The gal behind the register looked at me, and I looked at her and smiled. Then she pulled out a form and asked for my vehicle registration. PAPERS PLEASE!!! Huh? Why do you want my vehicle registration? She said – it’s for the iodine. You cannot buy this without providing a picture I.D. and your vehicle registration. I said I didn’t drive to town, and therefore, cannot provide my registration papers. Then I got it….. the stink-eye. You know, that look that says I know you’re probably a felon since you won’t show me your papers… I stared right back, prepared to take this to the matt and most likely end up behind bars. Then my neighbor stepped in and provided her registration papers so that we could end the day without someone having to post bail.
Here is a copy of the form provided by the Oregon State Police that she had to fill out just so I could buy one lousy little 16 oz bottle of Triodine-7:
Notice the part that specifically demands a picture I.D. and vehicle registration papers for the transporting vehicle. No car, no iodine.
When I got home, I looked up the law. Read it and weep. It is not only unlawful to buy or sell, but even unlawful to possess unless you fit the description in section 2 of the following:
§ 475.976¹
Unlawful possession of iodine matrix
- recording transfers
- unlawful distribution of iodine matrix
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, a person commits the crime of unlawful possession of an iodine matrix if the person knowingly possesses an iodine matrix.
(2) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to:
(a) A person who possesses an iodine matrix as a prescription drug, pursuant to a prescription issued by a licensed veterinarian or physician;
(b) A person who is actively engaged in the practice of animal husbandry of livestock as defined in ORS 609.125 (Definition of livestock);
(c) A person who possesses an iodine matrix in conjunction with experiments conducted in a chemistry or chemistry related laboratory maintained by a:
(A) Regularly established public or private secondary school;
(B) Public or private institution of higher education that is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education; or
(C) Manufacturing, government agency or research facility in the course of lawful business activities;
(d) A veterinarian, physician, pharmacist, retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer, warehouseman or common carrier or an agent of any of these persons who possesses an iodine matrix in the regular course of lawful business activities; or
(e) A person working in a general hospital who possesses an iodine matrix in the regular course of employment at the hospital.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, a person who sells or otherwise transfers an iodine matrix to another person shall make a record of each sale or transfer. The record must be made on a form provided by the Department of State Police, completed pursuant to instructions provided by the department and retained by the person for at least three years or sent to the department if directed to do so by the department. Failure to make and retain or send a record required under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
(4) A licensed veterinarian is not required to make a record of a sale or transfer of an iodine matrix under subsection (3) of this section if the veterinarian makes a record of the sale or transfer under other applicable laws or rules regarding the prescribing and dispensing of regulated or controlled substances by veterinarians.
(5) A person commits the crime of unlawful distribution of an iodine matrix if the person knowingly sells or otherwise transfers an iodine matrix to a person not listed in subsection (2) of this section.
(6) Unlawful possession of an iodine matrix is a Class A misdemeanor.
(7) Unlawful distribution of an iodine matrix is a Class A misdemeanor. [2001 c.615 §8; 2005 c.706 §15]
Iodine is one of many substances defined by Oregon law as a “precurser” substance. In other words, someone, sometime, might make methamphetamine out of it. Maybe we should ban water or spoons too, since they can be used in the process of making drugs. Where does it end? This is pre-crime law. Even the bottle of Triodine-7 label states clearly: ”Complies with DEA Iodine Regulation 21 C.F.R. 310.2. No DEA registration required.” Yet, if anyone in Oregon is caught with a bottle of iodine and doesn’t fit into the proper mold as defined in Oregon pre-crime law, guess what? That person is a criminal.
Here is the definition of a “precursor substance:”
Chapter 448 Oregon Laws 2003
HB 2034
Relating to precursor substances; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 475.940, 475.950, 475.973 and 475.978.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
475.940. As used in ORS 475.940 to 475.999:
(1) “Iodine matrix” means iodine at a concentration greater than [1.5] two percent by weight in a matrix or solution.
(2) “Matrix” means something, as a substance, in which something else originates, develops, or is contained.
(3) “Precursor substance” means:
(a) Phenyl-2-propanone.
(b) Methylamine.
(c) D-lysergic acid.
(d) Ergotamine.
(e) Diethyl Malonate.
(f) Malonic acid.
(g) Ethyl Malonate.
(h) Barbituric acid.
(i) Piperidine.
(j) N-acetylanthranilic acid.
(k) Ethylamine.
(L) Pyrolidine.
(m) Phenylacetic acid.
(n) Anthranilic acid.
(o) Morpholine.
(p) Ephedrine.
(q) Pseudoephedrine.
(r) Norpseudoephedrine.
(s) Phenylpropanolamine.
(t) Benzyl cyanide.
(u) Ergonovine.
(v) 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone.
(w) Propionic anhydride.
(x) Insosafrole (Isosafrole).
(y) Safrole.
(z) Piperonal.
(aa) N-methylephedrine.
(bb) N-ethylephedrine.
(cc) N-methylpseudoephedrine.
(dd) N-ethylpseudoephedrine.
(ee) Hydriotic acid.
(gg) 1,4-butanediol.
(hh) Any salt, isomer or salt of an isomer of the chemicals listed in paragraphs (a) to (gg) of this subsection.
(ii) Iodine in its elemental form.
(jj) Iodine matrix.
(kk) Red phosphorus, white phosphorus, yellow phosphorus or hypophosphorus acid and its salts.
(LL) Anhydrous ammonia.
[(mm) Methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM).]
[(nn)] (mm) Any substance established as a precursor substance by rule under authority granted in ORS 475.945.
So, whatever you do, don’t buy antihistamines, MSM and iodine on the same day or you just might end up in cuffs even if you do present your papers. And make sure to keep on checking in because it seems that just about anything can be DE CLAREd a “precursor substance” and voila! It is illegal to possess.
Feeling safer now? I know I sure am…. In a pig’s eye! No vehicle? No iodine, or any other thing they want to DE CLARE a precurser substance for a possible crime to be committed sometime in the future. Or, how about forcing you to purchase a house? Can’t afford one? Too bad – no iodine for you!
©2013 Barbara H. Peterson
(Visited 5,340 times, 5,340 visits today)Tags: animal husbandry, Barbara H. Peterson, big r, Farm Wars, farmwars, iodine, msm, oregon state police, police state, pre-crime, small farmers
Just so everyone knows, there are several photo chemical suppliers who can supply iodine crystals via mail order. I don’t know how the price compares to Ag grade, but I don’t remember my pound of it costing more than a meal in town.
Of course they already banned the PolarPure I used to take hiking, so who knows how long us mere pleebs will be allowed any chemical without government license.
“Meth” is just the excuse, the government wishes to restrict all chemicals from the hands of the general public.
BTW, about those Sheriffs..
“Put Not Your Trust in Federalized Sheriffs”
The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol at his head. Put it in his hand and it’s good-by to the Bill of Rights.
- H.L. Mencken
Well then if it’s illegal to possess something that “in which something else originates” then possession of any element must
be illegal so I’ll dematerialize myself immediately. Does anyone
have a molecular disruptor I can borrow. I won’t be able to
return it, you’ll have to pick it up yourself.
This is why you must elect a Sheriff that will protect you and yours from the rule of tryants! …If I were Sheriff and you called me from the store…I would come right over and inform the manager …. in this county I dont enforce nonsense laws! then I would tear up the form in front of the checker!
Suss, the Supreme Court stated in 6 different cases, that i know of, that you have the right to defend yourself, up to and INCLUDING lethal force if a cop ever manhandles you. When they trun on the lights and pull you over, NEVER give them a name, it is entering into contract, WHERE IS THE EMERGENCY? This is fraud, when the turn those lights on it is a criminal action, they cease to represent the government or the city, they become felons on the spot, explain that to them!!! File a criminal complaint under color of law, the FBI does prosecute these idiots from time to time!!! Commercial lien is the other alternative!! This is about keeping us under the government thumb, because a lot of people in oregon have released themselves and have no registration, you do not need it for private property UCC 9-109, and they have no license as such license would be meaningless as we have the natural right of movement, to travel!!
The thing we NEED to state when we purchase anything and they ask for ID is that we are Non-Statutory American Nationals, we ARE not a “person” as defined in the statute but a Human Being. A “person” is a legal fiction, corporation or agency. Church of Scientology v. Department of justice. We must stand up for our rights. Makes me sick to my stomach. File a commercial lien on the business and the sheriff and see how fast they backpedal, file a lien on the politicians that passed the statute also. We must hold them accountable for violating our privacy rights!!
First of all everyone. This will be coming to your state. Slow and steady is their plan. Please wake up family and friends. search engine Agenda 21 dangers.
Iodine is a protective against radiation and they only want their “legitimate sources” to be able to sell it in case of an emergency.
Cripe sake!!! If I would have known you need it I would have sent
you a bottle. My husband works PT at a farm store. No such
law here. He gets a 25% discount too. No different than buying
dog food in MN…so far.
This is out of hand, in Montana Meth labs were being found in every abandond car, not really. Several years ago the police had a shake up, turned out the cops were planting drugs evidence of meth lab, use or materials purchase on just about anybody who looked casual. Then the new laws happened and soap making became much harder. In order for me to make a batch of soap these days I need to soak ashes from the fireplace and I can not buy red devil lye or even certain essential oils . Its not to prevent Meth production its to prevent selfsufficency and to errase historical knolege , skills and selfdetermination.
If you can’t make soap how can you clean a wound or wash the baby, or get aphids off the lettuce .
I can verify the Oregon STATEPOLICE are a corporate criminal syndicate licensed and self financing sub-sidiary of the DC, NYC, Brussels, Holy Seas. This cabal owns you. Their existence is an affront to God. Know the truth.
Iodine doesn’t have anything to do with making other drugs. But it is a common treatment for radiation poisoning. The anhydrous ammonia is used for making explosives. Soon, we will have to take back our government, or we will go to the concentration camps.
Oregon used to be a nice place–a real, free state to live in. What happened? Did you let to many Californians move in?
Sounds to me like you have been blacked by face crook. It has happened before to several people who do not toe the government propaganda line.
As for precursor crimes I always thought you could only be charged with actually committing a ‘Crime’ not thinking about it or going about your legitimate business. First prove intent or push off is what I would say. Or have they now progressed to a ‘Minority Report’ style of criminalisation?
I don’t know, Sandra. I cannot post pics on Facebook either, so I have to use a workaround via Photobucket. And I can’t seem to get any help at all with it.
Geeeeez~~! Glad I’m “involved in animal husbandry”. Hope I have interpreted this correctly; would hate to get tossed in the klink for having a bit of betadyne around for dressing critter wounds and snipped umbilicals….
On another topic, why doesn’t Facebook allow me to comment on your facebook pages, even though I seem to get them all posted in my newsfeed?
Sheesh- didn’t know any of this. Sorry for that run-in w/ the cashier.
What’s next to be banned? Food? Oh yeah, it already half is!
they can keep thier slug infested cloudy rainy soggy crappy state! hate even driving thru too- those cops just looking for a reason to pull ya over throw you out of your car taze you zip tie/hog tie your as_! How pathetic these nanny states are!! It’s enough to piss the calmest off!!!