Original Article posted December 18 2012:
Update: Police investigate video posted one day prior to Sandy Hook massacre (Photos)
NEWTOWN, Connecticut--
UPDATE- Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 3:42p.m. ET
Police in Newtown, Conecticut are investigating a video posted one day before Adam Lanza allegedly massacred 20 kids and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday, according to police cheif Michael Kehoe.
Why? This is probably the number one question on people's minds since the tragic massacre of twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday.
What has going through the mind of Adam Lanza that would cause him to walk into a building full of kids and open fire?
A Youtube channel has been discovered which may provide some answers to these questions. An account created by someone using the handle 'TrolleyRulle' two days prior to the shootings may be the missing link to finding answers.
In the channel's 'About Me' section, the user entered the following data: "We are those that are willing to die or kill to end the mind rape of our children. The war for your brain has begun!"
There is only one video on the channel, and the video was uploaded on Thursday, December 13-- one day prior to the mass shooting at the school. The video is titled, "I am Adam Lanza. I will be famous."
The video contains the following eerie message: "All she wanted was this picture perfect life. I guess me being raped was not in her idyllic plans. F__k her. I choose to go level 121 and kill Rulle. I will swing the sword of destruction and live forever! I am Adam Lanza. People hate me. I will be immortal."
Although the channel has not been officially confirmed to belong to Adam Lanza, all evidence would suggest this given the channel and the video were created and uploaded prior to the day of the shootings.
The video is presently unavailable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQRZBQnivQ8
'Trolley Rulle' appears to be a character in the book, The "LORDS OF 2112": The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America's Future.
The following is a brief paragraph describing the theme of the book.
"In the year 2112, America has degenerated into a world of savages, destroyed by attacks from the heinous Muslim Republic of Nations and backstabbed by China and the United Nations. The only protection for decent Class One cistizens is within the protective walls of the few remaining technologically advanced cities. Humans are now catagorized by their genetic code into classes of human and sub-species, the HIV-infected, slave labor for the Federated Cities of America that are ruled by their own iron-fisted City Lord. But now, the American cities have a new technology to exact a deadly revenge upon the Muslims and cleanse the world's DNA codes forever!"
Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/51783707/The-Lords-of-2112
You can read a few excerpts from the book, just to give more of an idea of what it's about - its weirdness, to say the least!
The author of the book, The Lords of 2112: The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America’s Future, committed suicide on December 12, 2012.
"R.I.P. January 21, 1976 to December 12, 2012 Update: Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. was a troubled soul and tragically committed suicide. Thanks for all the support and love for our Gentle Giant. His words: My range of experiences include everything from prison to the dean's list in college. I have met all and lived with people from all walks of life. From a spiritual journey living as a homeless man to firsthand religious investigations, I have seen nearly everything. I have lived with murderers and self-proclaimed saints. My stories are more real than fiction, regardless of the format in which I tell the story. I have grown up in the small town environment of rural Michigan and traveled the world, physically and metaphorically. My life is dedicated to the constant pursuit of evolution and growth. Life is my adventure and, for better and worse, I am living the dreams constructed within my own imaginations."
Source: http://bookstore.trafford.com/Produc...s-of-2112.aspx
The same man also had a Linkedin profile.
Here is a summary from his profile:
"Promising student who was incarcerated whose potential for brilliance was forever ruined in 1994 for a series of violent crimes. Released from prison he never fully integrated with normal society ever again. Apparently damaged from the years of incarceration, he went on hold sporadic odd jobs, progressively deteriorating mental condition. Huge pieces of missing time, was known living as a mostly homeless man in the Salt Lake City, UT region from 1999-2002 and the San Antonio, TX region around 2004-2006. Spoke fondly of Papa Ray's. Spent many days in libraries writing bizarre stories and papers. In a brief moment of reconnection and seeming lucidity, family published one of these stories for him as a gif in 2011. After which, he became severly violent and unpredictable. Seemed to enjoy drawing strange pictures and doing his various "art projects." Some were coherent, some were not. Recently commited suicide. May Daniel have the peace that he never could seem to find here on Earth."
Here are his interests from the same profile:
Psychology, writing, MKUltra, marketing, manufacturing processes, Marines,machining, astronomy, physics, New World Order, goats, religions, existentialism, altered states of consciousness, remote viewing, psy ops
Source: ttp://webcache.googleusercontent.co...&client=safari
That book (in the above posts) by Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. is on amazon.com -- apparently someone reviewed it (allegedly it's own author) and the only thing that was found on that particular review is a quote from another reviewer.
This was posted on October 30, 2011.
BTW, the author had posted a five-star "review" of his own "book" (the only review it has):
"At least three mass murderers have been associated with this book since its release. The Lords of 2112 is a Catcher in the Rye for the modern psycho and the reasons are quite obvious once you have read and analyzed the contents of this book. It is written in some form of coded, double-entendre that is somewhat hard for the layman to decipher, but the manical message is crystal clear to those for which this book was intended to reach. When I read The Lords of 2112, I could literally feel bugs crawling all over my skin, eating in to my brain. The Lords of 2112 is pure sickness! I believe it should be banned in America forever. It is too dangerous to have this available to nut-jobs like Jared Loughner, Anders Breivik, and Scott Dekraai. Who will be the next person to go completely insane from reading this book!!!"
Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.co...&client=safari
Allegedly, Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. (or someone posing as him) wrote that quoted part of the excerpt. This was over one year ago.
Then, after the Newtown school shootings, the name of the reviewer was changed from the author's name to Adam Lanza!
Here's the review from December 16, 2012:
"First off an author should not review their own book. But then to go back and change the name of the reviewer from your own to Adam Lanza is just sick. Way to try and profit off a tragedy. I will never buy anything you write. You should be banned from Amazon for this stunt."
"Above is the link to the cache of the page before the mass murders in at Sandy Hook showing the name of the Author as the reviewer. Shame on you!"
Source: http://www.amazon.com/The-Lords-112...r_pr_orig_subj
Note of Interest: The author of the book could not have changed the name of the reviewer after the school shooting -- because the author had already died (committed suicide) about a week prior (see last post).
[The above research done is posted on the Project Avalon Forum. Go to http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?54526-MUST-LISTEN-Investigator...
and check out what username Vivek has researched - some good stuff - also look on page 8 of that thread & of course do your own research, too...
GLP also has some people doing research on this: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2083693/pg1]
"Did you happen to look up his Mother?"
No, I just recently tried.
Though there is something odd with this website, imo.
In order to get the screen shot, I had to give an email address. I took the shot then posted it here. I just went back to the site after reading your question about getting info about Adam Lanza's mother.
And the website asked for my username & password. Well, I didn't sign up with a username & password, I just gave an email address.
Anyways, I thought I would try & used a username & a password that I have used before, and I got in on the website, but I noticed the username that was welcomed onto the site was not the one I typed in.
Anyways, I went on to try to do a search.
Seems that one has to purchase (at a price) a membership level that will allow different search options. Also, found out later that as a first time guest user, I was only allowed one search to perform. Not knowing this, and using the "first name/last name" option for my first try, I put in Adam Lanza's name. The screen shot of the results is below.
So, as you can see from the results of the "first name/last name" search option failed to work. Going back to the explanation page, it appears that I would have to have paid money to do that kind of search. Not sure, but I think, in order to do a one time search (without paying money), I would then have to have Adam Lanza's SSN in order to have it bring up the information.
So, someone over at GLP would have had to pay in order to do that kind of search. To have the results come up at all for Adam Lanza, one would have to have paid money to access files using first last name option. Or, have the social security number to access the individual's information. Not certain about GLP these days, I have seen some people express an opinion that it has somewhat of Sorchal Faal element.
To me, the website seemed that it was not very secure... maybe on purpose. How I came to this Death File website was because a member of GLP forum obtained the URL link to that Adam Lanza page. That was how I was able to get the screen shot - clicked on the link and it took me right to Adam Lanza's page. No username or password was required to get onto that page.
Add that, with the ease that which I was able to get in for the first time & having some other username coming up. I feel that something is up with this, and perhaps this site is easily hacked into. Hence, any information here might not be that reliable. That is in my opinion.
Perhaps, it could be a planted bit of false information. TPTB Minions may be working overtime to keep the general population baffled & confused over this.
Time to go inside, and away from this crazy stuff.
Link to Adam Lanza's mother:
Yes, I see they are really trying to mess with us...
Just found this on GLP (it was posted just an hour & a half ago):
"OP, the site you went to must have gotten that record before the govt erased it. Those geneology sites do pick up official records from Social Security.
They must have jerked it from the US government's site because Adam's record is NOT there now. I just went to the Social Security Administration Office's web site, paid $10 for a single online inquiry and the search came back "no results". I tried to copy the page, but couldn't.
They do have a disclaimer that says a record might not turn up, even though you may know for sure that the person is dead. No explanation for why that might happen.
Prior to that I had gone on ancestry.com and found Nancy Lanza but nothing for Adam.
Quick clean-up job!"
Before leaving that webpage where I took the Adam Lanza Death Data screen shot, I noticed there were probably more than a hundred comments by people that had visited this website seeing Adam Lanza & the mother's information being posted there... I mean alot of people had visited that page, I do believe. I did not get so much into reading comments, because I could see there were too many. But alot were negative. Some were about the mother being a forgotten victim.
That URL link on Adam Lanza's data was posted this morning on the GLP forum page... about 12 hours later its now supposedly inaccessible.
I think they are pulling out the stops & really trying to f*ck with people on this. Got to keep one's wits about oneself.
...enough for today.
This morning (1/21/13) I tried both the links (Adam Lanza & Nancy Lanza) and each of the pages came up for both of them... so, what the GLP poster claims (Adam's page was not there), this is not true. Both pages come up.
Anyways, use a grain of salt on this stuff.
Thanks E, for keeping your attention on this particular subject.
I have gone over back to GLP website cuz I was getting a little suspicious of exactly who it was that posted the URL link to the Adam Lanza Death Date from the GeneologyBank website. Because it appears to me that one needs to have Adam Lanza's SSN in order to access that info - but maybe not, as I have found that that website is not very secure, imo.
Username TruthNow88 was who initially posted that link. Member ID 124157
Handle TruthNow88
Joined On 12/23/2012 7:10 PM
The only other message(s) s/he has posted was yesterday, one which contains the links to all the victims data from that GeneologyBank website pages. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2116261/pg6#35690995
Another posted message contains his/her interesting possible scenario as to what took place on that day in Connecticut. As it is posted:
"This is true, original reports at Sandy Hook were a suspect was wearing a nun outfit. 2 black robes are visible in multiple photos, right beside the suspect vehicle outside the front of the school.
2 men were detained in the woods behind the school (not including Chris Manfredonia, the Gingerbread dad). One of these suspects is identified as an armed (no gun details) out of town tactical officer (no name given, he is the one wearing camo pants and is brought to the FRONT of the police car), the other man remains completely unidentified and there are VERY little details about him.
2 additional suspects are described via police radio, as being in a purple van (with a window shot out), wearing black ski masks, and one still wearing a nun outfit.
So basically we have 4 shooters (all dressed as nuns) + 1 patsy (Adam). 2 shooters ditch their nun outfits by the suspect vehicle after the shooting and wait in the woods to get detained (they know they will be let go, and stay at the scene specifically to control initial reports via their scripted info (injects)). The other 2 suspects leave the scene, are mentioned by police via scanner, and then never brought up again (this was never touched by the MSM).
Confusion is then added everywhere it possibly can be to hide the true event, and overlay the wanted scr1pt in its place. This was done through multiple different overlapping events including but not limited to the Putnam Active-Shooter School Drill (happening at literally the exact same time), FEMA/DHS Course on children's response to crisis situations before, during & after disasters (9am-4pm) and the St rose school which was also raided that day (morning).
Participants from the 4 different events (3 fake, 1 real) listed above then all gather at a single location (Sandy Hook Fire House) which is the media staging area. Facts from 4 different (but similar) events are then mixed together in a way to seem like a single event to the general public. These event overlaps were used to control the initial scr1pt of what happened that day (by cherry picking various different pieces of evidence & eyewitness accounts that match the story they want told, and presenting it all as the real SH Event). This is why their are so many variations to every piece of this event, because similar variations of everything happened that day at multiple different locations.
The confusion around this event has less to do with bad reporting by the media, and more to do with calculated misdirection by cherry picking details and presenting multiple different events as a single occurrence (to control the scr1pt outcome).
What happened that day? I have no idea, but it sure as hell isn't what we are being told (but it's more likely a Black-Op then a total Hoax)."