I had gum recession before and I'm only 25. Gums turned white in the corners of my mouth, lots of gum bleeding and pain, teeth shifting. Things settled down but lately I got hit by gum problems again. I decided to scrape around the back molar with one of those metal dental picks and then spray into the gum line with my waterpik and when I did this I noticed a bubble forming in my gums above the tooth toward the cheek. It freaked me out. I guess there's an opening in between my gum and tooth where the water was able to shoot through. Now the gums are detached from the tooth. I'd been packing it at night with white oak bark and it seems to help, but how much can it do? I probably have a good amount of bone lose (can feel a good sized gap between my tooth and jaw bone though the tooth isn't loose.
Dentists say tartar and plaque under the gums prevent the gums from reattaching to the teeth, can herbs do anything to get rid of the build up and let the gums reattach? I can't afford a deep cleaning.