Hello all!
Just thought I would update everyone on my
Iodine journey, where I stand and what I am experiencing thus far.
I started with 2 drops on 10/25/12 and worked up to currently 64 drops (400 mg) of
Lugols 5%, six days a week. I am also currently taking Selenium (600 mcg), Magnesium Citrate, Vitamin C (3 grams), Salt (1-2 tsp), Niacin (1000 mg) and B2 (300 mg).
Up to the point of 48 drops, I have never experienced any detox symptoms. I found it kind of strange since I knew I was EXTREMELY saturated with Bromide. My mood became gradually better and more consistent. I was slowly becoming less angry about the littlest things and my temper went ever so slowly away. While it isn't perfect now, its a huge difference to where I was before I started
Iodine and was drinking lots Mt. Dew.
Now that I have reach 64 drops, I am now getting the "Bromide Acne" that I read about. I have never had any
Acne at all on my body, and now I am getting huge painful ones all over my back and chest. It seems the bromide is finally starting to release its death grip!
A few other positives: I have been able to fall asleep quicker than I ever remember, I sleep much deeper, don't wake up constantly throughout the night, my heart rate has dropped from 90-100 bpm to a more comfortable 65-75 bpm and a biggie...my right testicle no longer causes me mind numbing pain. I have several cysts on it and I haven't been able to touch it without pain for the longest time.
I am going to continue the climb up in drops. Not sure where I will peak, but that Bromide has a strong hold on me...so maybe around 500-800 mg and see how I feel.