MH 108
The tree of life is a symbol, not a tree.
All you see today is a micro of the macro, we being the micro of the universe the macro.
Sickness is a body thing, so no sickness other than while in a body on earth.
I read there are all age groups as far as appearance goes and your appearance is what you prefer it to be, not sure I would go along with all of that though. The age differances in appearances has been written as those waiting to coem to earth, an example the murdered baby in the womb remains a baby until a new mother is picked, etc., a child that died remains a child until a new mother is picked, etc. again, not sure I go along with all of that, but written by some of the best claravoyant authors.
The only thing that is a pretty sure bet is that we are all in heaven and only connected to the body by what the bible refers to as the "silver cord" and that while asleep we are in the heavens, unless the body is too ill to support a good connection, then we may be tormented while on earth, thus the saying "hell on earth".