Velus-1 & Velus-2
Most planetary solar systems consist of a central Sun & the planets that revolve around it. One Sun means that the solar system has one planetary consciousness that maintains that solar system. There are also planetary systems that have two Suns. They are called binary systems. The planetary system that the Velon are from is one such system. Hence, a system with two Suns has two, or a twin set of planetary consciousnesses. According to the Akashic, the Velon Solar System, the two consciousnesses are known as Velus-1 & Velus-2.
When the energy stream to Earth was first discovered by the Velon about 1,000 Earth years ago (roughly the Earth date 1000 AD), Velus-1 left the Velon system and followed it to Earth. On arrival, he found the Annunaki 'base' in Tibet that had been there, by now, about 5,000 years (movement in time takes a little while to 'get your head around'). During this time period, they had been watching and studying humanity but also slowly influencing religious thinking amongst those who lived in the area.
Velus-1 seems to have also fallen into this pattern [observing & studying human beings] as there is no evidence within the Akashic that 'he' took any action for some time. The first recorded action was in 1773.
Adam Weishaupt was born in 1748 but in 1773 he suffered some kind of seizure from which he died. His friend, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, knew of his friend's death and was, therefore, extremely shocked when three days later Weishaupt visited him, apparently alive and well. The explanation falls into the realms of the weird, but please try to stay with us, as so many aspects of the conspiracy can be explained by what happened after the seizure Weishaupt suffered. Turns out the 'seizure' had been engineered by Velus-1, once the death had been confirmed and the information relayed to Rothschild, the Velus-1 consciousness re-animated Weishaupt's body with his own consciousness and not Weishaupt's.
This sounds extremely strange to say the least. We are used to seeing our bodies as physical tissue which somehow grows from a fertilized egg within the mother's womb, through childhood to adulthood and, at some point, we die. But what is it that brings life in the first place? And what is it that leaves the body at death? We would argue that it is the consciousness of the individual that determines the point of arrival in [155] the developing body and also determines the point at which death occurs. But do not take our word for it. The University of Southampton is carrying out a long-term study into what are known as NDE's. These are situations where someone has clinically died, usually following some kind of accident. However, after a varying period of time, the body re-animates with the person's consciousness and is able to tell of their experiences whilst they were out of their body as well as describe any clinical measures that were taken to revive their bodies. Whilst the evidence gathered by Southampton and many others is not absolutely conclusive, it is extremely compelling and shows that an apparently dead body can come back to life even several days after the pronouncement of death.
Against this information, the re-animation of Weishaupt's body by Velus-1 is certainly possible. But what effect would this have on Rothschild in 1773? Think of how you would feel - a close friend is declared dead, is in a mortuary for three days and then suddenly comes back to life, would you not see it as some kind of miracle?
However, it appears that the transformation did not stop there; at some time following this resurrection, Velus-1 let Rothschild know that it was he, Velus-1, and not Weishaupt who now occupied the body with Velus-1 explaining that he was a 'god' who was capable of these kinds of 'miracles'. When Rothschild and Wishaupt established the Illuminati in 1776, not only did they promise their fellow conspirators of the world, they also offered immortality.
The first members of the Illuminati numbered nineteen. At the head was Velus-1, acting through Weishaupt's body, together with five Annunaki who had taken on human body forms through the usual physical birth process. Together with Rothschild, there were also twelve other humans (including George Washington, whose elevation to the status of 'god' is recorded on a frieze in the Rotunda in Washington). With one exception, these nineteen have remained the same ever since. Even without Velus-1's energy potential of keeping the human component of the Illuminati alive for something like 250 years, the ages of these people is not impossible, even in human terms. The oldest man who ever lived was a Chinese (Li Chuen Yeun) whose documentation showed that on death he was 256 years old.
As far as immortality is concerned, the Velon have a well tried and tested process of regeneration of their bodies through using their "'Me' technology". Using this technology, they can reconstruct a Velon body either in the form of a child or as an adult.
At some pont, all of the human members of the Illuminati would have physically died. However, at some point before their deaths, the Velon used their "'Me' technology" to copy the bodies of these men. When the Illuminati moved to America, the truly human members of the Illuminati would have traveled in these 'cloned' bodies, leaving their original bodies at home but under Velus-1's animation. The cloned versions have lived ever since with Velus-1 using his energy potential to prevent the bodies from degrading. This is not necessarily as far fetched as it sounds when you bear in mind that human cloning technology is capable of building bodies identical to the original. We have seen a very public demonstration of this technology with the creation of 'Dolly' the sheep and many other animals - from making copies of numerous types of farm animals to well-loved pets.
From this point onwards, Velus-1 became the 'god' of the Illuminati as well as the Freemasons. If you can resurrect dead bodies and make people live for 250 years, then it is reasonable to assume that you can maintain control over these groups and whatever your plans are, those who are aware of your existence will follow them without question. If you can introduce someone to a figure who can perform 'miracles' whilst claiming to be 'god', then you can convince anyone to join your conspiracy and carry out any act on behalf of the Illuminati as your reward could also be immortality. Most ambitious humans (politicians, military leaders, industrialists, etc) would accept that kind of reward without question.
There is also here extremely strong Akashic 'evidence' that Velus-1 called himself 'Lucifer'. Velus-1 has resurrected dead bodies and given immortality to the chosen few, actions many would take as being 'god-like' powers. We know from Albert Pike's writing, that the Freemason's 'god' is the Lucifer of the Freemasons. Also remember that the name Lucifer means 'Light Bearer', therefore, those who are held within Lucifer's light become 'illumined' - the Illuminati.
We need to also take a brief look at the activites of the five Velon that Velus-1 brought with him to Earth. With the move to America, Velus-1 discarded Weishaupt's body (Weishaupt's cloned body is recorded as dying 18/11/1811) and took on a full 'god-like' role, taking action from a position of being in a non-physical state.
Like all gods, he needed his 'emissaries' to pass on his wishes to his followers. This is where the other Velon came in. Having spent some time in Tibet, Velus-1 had encountered the Buddhist tradition of the Dalai Lama immediately reincarnating into a new-born child on the death of the Dalai Lama's old body. Velus-1/Lucifer adopted and adapted this concept for his five Velon emissaries. Two of the Velon remained out of human sight at all times, mainly for the purpose of carrying out instructions from Velus-1 to Velus-2, whilst at any one time, the remaining three Velon were born into human form. This was achieved by either adopting human birth processes or, where necessary, an accelerated re-birth could be achieved by using their 'Me' technology. Collectively, these five 'emissaries' were known as "The Five Perfect Masters".
Where 'human' birth was chosen, the birth took place within one of the original thirteen Illuminati families - more a case of "Rosemary's Baby" than Dalai Lama. By choosing one family over another, Velus-1 / Lucifer bestowed an honor on that family, a means of rewared for work carried out. In this way, there was also extra competition to win Velus-1 / Lucifer's favor, so that one family sought favor over another, ensuring loyalty to their 'god'.
Essentially, the plan was that Velus-1 / Lucifer maintained at all times three emissaries. After all, this was an important 'god', he was not going to rely on just one emissary at a time, Velus-1 / Lucifer needed to have three. With three semi-god-like emissaries, Velus-1 / Lucifer was able to monitor and control several regions of interest at the same time, as well as, liaise with other groups and organizations which had fallen under his influence - the Rockefeller family being a prime example (see the next chapter).
These emissaries maintained their semi-physical energy patterns, in other words they exuded energies that were greater than human and so took on the kind of roles, in a religious sense, of being very similar to people's concepts of figures such as Jesus, Mohammed or the Dalai Lama. When sent to meet with influential families, military leaders or heads of government, they were extremely persuasive in bending people's loyalties to Velus-1 / Lucifer - as a 'second-coming', but in triplicate. Is it any wonder that so many people became influenced by the directives of the Illuminati when they were faced with a manifestation of 'god'?
From here, we need to remember what brought the Velon to Earth in the first place: a revised view of themselves as being 'god's chosen people' who should inhabit 'god's chosen planet'. But upon arriving, the realization came that the planet was occupied by a race of human beings and, from the Velon perspective, something needed to be done about these people. If the Velon were to inhabit their "rightful place", then humanity needed to be removed. The assumed removal of the vast majority of humans by their own hands through war had not happened and the planet's population kept growing, not reducing.[155]
From these observation, Velus-1 began to make plans and so many of the scenarios we saw in Chapter 4 came into being (listed below); all with the aim of removing humans off the Earth. There are many methods by which our governments and scientists have attempted to remove as many people as possible off the planet, and we will go on to look at those in the next chapter.
From Chapter 4:
Modern Illuminati
To start with, what is the significance of the 1700's? A clear division seems to occur within that century and this is the reason why:
"1773 - Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individaul of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned - Adam Weishaupt.
May 1, 1776 - Adam Weishaupt (codenamed Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt is the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. [This date, May Day, is to become highly significant to the Soviet Communists. They held festive military parades on this day.] The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their objectives are as follows:
1. Abolition of all ordered governments
2. Abolition of private property
3. Abolition of inheritance
4. Abolition of patriotism
5. Aboliton of the family
6. Abolition of religion
7. Creation of a world government
July 1782 - The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhemsbad. The Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, comes away visible shaken. When questioned about the "tragic secrets" he brought back with him, he replies: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think." From this time on, according to his biographer, "the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror."
1789 - Violence erupts in France. The French Revolution not only overthrows the existing government but also attempts to eliminate Christianity from the nation. A half-naked prostitute is placed on the altar of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and extolled as the Goddess of Reason." Revolutionary officials [103] even do away with the seven-day week and replace it with a ten-day week."
For the Illuminati, this was their first attempt at putting their plans into action but also their first failure. They obviously learned from their mistakes, given their success in organizing the Russian Revolution in 1917 (see later). But, their plans did not stop there. Given the failure of the Revolution in France, the population of Europe was very wary of anyone who suggested overthrowing royal families or who spoke up too loudly against the Church, and so the Illuminati looked for a new country to flex their muscle. To this end, they turned to a country that was already governed by Freemasons: America. The American Constitution was ratified on the 17th of September 1787 and, of the fifty-five members of the convention who drew up the Constitution, fifty were Freemasons.
"1796 - Freemasonry becomes a major issue in the Presidential election in the United States. John Adams wins the election by opposing Masonry, and his son John Quincy Adams warns of the dire threat to the nation posed by Masonic Lodges:
"I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the uniion is now laboring."
1798 - George Washington acknowledges that Illuminati activity has come to America:
"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principle of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.""
Since these times, there have been very few decisions made by the American government, on both home and foreign policies, that have not been dictated, or at least influenced, by the policies of the Illuminati, some more obvious than others.
To start with, how is the best way to control the population of a country? By control of its money supply:
"1816 - Congress grants a 20-year charter to the Bank of the United States, a private bank for this country. [The Constitution had granted to Congress the "power to coin money and regulate the value thereof." Thomas Jefferson had specifically warned the American people against turning this power to create money over to a private group that was unelected and not accountable to the public:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deptrive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.]
However, this situation did not last for long. In 1832 President Andrew Jackson vetoed a Congressional Bill to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States and he removed government funds from the Bank.
Eventually, the Illuminati regained control when, in December 1913, the Federal Reserve was created by act of government giving control of the money supply over to a private company. This meant that the government of America no longer controlled how much money was in circulation and had lost control of setting interest rates. As the American dollar became accepted as the international currency for oil sales, it also meant that the people who controlled the Federal Reserve also took control of the finances of most of the world's countries - effectively a world bank in all but name.
1920-1931 Louis T, McFadden is Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency. Concerning the Federal Reserve, Congressman McFadden notes:
"When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is - the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."
Excerpted from:
"Project Human Extinction - The Ultimate Conspiracy" by Chris Thomas with Dave Morgan