We own a vocational school and I always have a 32
oz bottle of CS on hand for illnesses, burns, disinfecting, etc.
One of our new instructors was sick and had to leave early last week. I gave him a bottle to take home and try over the weekend.
Monday he comes back looking great - beaming and incredulous about how this stuff knocked out his flu. He said he drank the full 32
ounces and the flu was gone.
He also had this red eye condition that he's been going to doctors about for years. I told him to try some CS in an eye dropper and just see what happens - just in case it's viral or bacterial. He was worried about going blind, but had so much luck drinking the stuff he went ahead with it anyway.
I saw him an hour or so later and the usual angry looking red splotches in both eyes were reduced to a light pink. Now he was really freaked and said "Are you sure you're not into devil worship or something? This silver stuff is curing everything I have!"
The health plan at our school is big into
Colloidal Silver , clay, holy basil tea and occasionally ginseng. Both more effective and thousands of times less expensive than Blue Cross. When employees have severe flu-like symptoms, usually gargling with CS and eyedropping it in ears and nose, along with drinking hot Tulsi (holy basil) tea gets them feeling so much better so fast that they're shocked the first time and come running the next time they get sick.
Our CS /Tulsi tea healthplan has saved us from canceling classes on many occasions. Not quite Obamacare but maybe it should be..