I've had a white tongue ever since I started battling candida several months ago - not sure about prior, i didn't pay too much attn. It is a 'geographic tongue,' in that it is only in the back 1/2. Sometimes it gets thick, but other times, thin. Well, I'm syked to say, last night i took an
Epsom Salt bath. my kidneys and liver have been hurting. today, my white tongue is 95% gone. it was thick in the morning, but i brushed it off and it cleared like i haven't seen before. I thought perhaps i sweated out the toxins in the bath. however, i had done the sauna the day prior for 30mins, but my tongue didn't change. i looked it up and sure enough i found a post on curezone from someone with a magnesium deficiency who had a white tongue and cleared it with an
Epsom Salt bath. WOO HOO! although i guess that means i have a magnesium deficiency.