Dear sir or madam, John McCain 2008, if you are so dissatisfied with the program, and the actions and mannerisms of the hosts, I only ask why are you watching Good Morning America? I'm sure there are alternative programs available on your television. I personally have never seen a television that only had one selection, though I have been in countries that had a selection only two. Also, I encourage you to remember these people are American citizens paying taxes, and should therefore have the same rights, representations and protections as yourself whatever your personal mannerisms might include. Also, they have the same rights of marriage and/or mutual companionship of the person of their choice, as much as you and any other human. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are actually principals this country was founded upon. As I recall, "the separation of Church and State . . .," means just that, whatever your church, or ideology might comprise. We are all entitled to our personal opinions and lives as long as we do not infringe on others, but to be criticized by someone’s mannerisms seems to be an under-minded form of bullying. And, just for your information, I am a totally heterosexual male that is extremely happily married, and I certainly would not want to selfishly withhold this happiness and companionship I have shared with my spouse from anyone.