MH 108
Being prepared means you can handle every disease at home and basically the last place you would trust would be medical, (but if you fail, you always can turn your body over to medical.)
It means you can handle most any burn with out fear.
It means you can handle most simple broken bones.
It means you have the ability to start a fire for the rest of your life, even if you have zero $$.
It means you can feed your self.
It means you do not fear the weather.
You can protect yourself from NATURE, but protecting yourself from other people is near impossible. Organized people are the most deadliest force on this planet.
When you are not prepared, the very first thing you do is turn to government help and the civilized population have became very dependent upon government.....which means what? If your government goes underground, like they have proven for 60 years that they all can go underground and live....what are "you" going to do?
You will have no stores, no hospitals to go to and naturally you will have no gas or fuels of any kind to heat your house or fuel your car...
underground cities are real and they are real world wide....every country has them and has had them and they continue to build more of them and you can bet your last $$$ you are not invited in..
What is government scared of most on earth? Yup, the poor people, those 99% that make up the work force.