Modern medicine treats this condition as they treat all conditions by addressing the symptoms and administering deadly ineffective acid producing drugs when the disease is actually caused by acids. To cure this disease and not just treat the symptoms the source must be treated and that source in an over acid toxic burdened colon. There are two ways to effect a cure, one is long term juice fasting which should be worked up to by otherwise healthy persons. The other way to treat the disease is with
Bentonite clay that will draw the toxins out and cleanse the colon so the toxic acids do not leak into the body and create disease. In the process acidic foods should be removed or severly limited by the patient. Foods like dairy,wheat,sugar,artificial sweeteners, and other acidic foods. Meats should be avoided or limited and replaced with things like barley greens and spirulina or hemp hearts. Mineral supplements should be included I recommend a high quality liquid mineral from plant sources. This cure is simple but its not easy and takes a patient that really wants to get well. Calcium citrate should also be taken with the
Bentonite healing clay along with magnesium supplements. This is how it is done. there is documentation on this information and any that want to verify can find it for themselves.