Give the Hookworm scr1pt a go....
program a backfreq b 0 0 duty 50
backfreq c 28004531.1544 43.333
dwell 480
# Title: Necator americanus & Ancylostoma caninum\duodenale\braziliense & Uncinaria stenocephala
# Description: They go dormant and don't feel the damage until they try to wake up which is why it may feel like you need more dwell.
# Best to run it once a day for a few days and see what is left over from the previous day.
# Note: Dead ones will cause boils or even abscesses if you don't use Bromelain for at least a few days
label 0
label A.caninum # Dog Hookworm, if you get hits check Ehrlichiosis
454755.6555 # adult + larva (L1)
87653.5554 # larva (L3)
label 1
label A.duodenale
64767.5555 # adult + larva (L1)
56554.5454 # larva (L3)
label 2
label A.braziliense
55466.5454 # adult + larva (L1)
58866.6554 # larva (L3)
label 3
label N.americanus
76656.9754 # adult
64765.6557 # Filariform
label 4
label Uncinaria # Uncinaria stenocephala, targeting dogs, cats, and foxes
55876.5786 # adult + larva (L1)
5765.5867 # larva (L3)