There seems to be a still evolving field of knowledge with pyroluria, as different health professionals use different protocols.
One Aussie (Oz) naturopath insists that biotin aka Vitamin H be added in the treatment regimen!
I think the range of dosage was around 1-2 mg/day.
One of the cheapest vitamins, a water soluble member of the B family.
1 mg= 2.5 x 400 ug (microgram), a common biotin pill size.
You can find his video on u-tube.
Greg Newson
People who suffer from Pyroluria produce excessive amounts of these Pyrroles which bind to or inhibit the nutrients; Zinc (1-7), Biotin 8, and the Omega 6 Fat GLA from reaching their targets within your body. This effectively renders these nutrients unavailable to you.
Obviously, he cannot for legal & professional reasons give specific advice by e-mail to strangers, but his website alone has more good info in total than most anywhere out there.