Amazing piece on juicing. . it has been popular forever I read it can cure all illness even cancer naturally.
Anyhow, I read tons of books on juice fasting by leading authorities Airola Paavo. My other favorite book is Conscious Eating by Cousens Wow an informative inspirational real eye opener.
My story I've been ill for 14 mths. Unimpressed with the medical community snails pace, while my life is being turned upside down. I finally went to chinese medicine professor and chinese herbs helped most of my symptoms subsided, but not all. I ran out of ideas, but not hope.
So I decided to fast.
I went on a fast the right way which is I followed most of Dr Paavo instructions. I'm 5'5 102, vegetarian due to my size I'm super careful. It is suggested in the book to not exceed more than 10 days of fasting if your thin, if you are to exceed that amount than you should be under physician care. Try finding a physician that will want to supervise a fast for a thin person? I decided to go for 11 days first to see how I feel, evalute and reevalute then do it again if I feel like it helped me.
My theory is this if your thin and you fast it takes a shorter amount of time for the body to go into a state of autolysis since you have less fat so the body it goes faster into autolysis to burn all dead cells fat, tumours basically it burns all rubbish out of your system faster.
The entire fasting process was easy ..except when we went to the bakery and the smells of fresh baked bread and pastries filled the air ... I just had herb tea and my husband had coffee and pastries.
Anyhow, I felt pretty good for the first few days except day 7. 8 I felt tired sleepy kind of woozy so I added liquid blue green spirlina drink to the fast and that gave me some energy to keep going .
Day nine I felt a fever at night I assumed it was toxins being released from the liver and the tissues into the bloodstream . Anyhow, I tossed and turned most of the night now I realize. I took a shower instead of the nightly nice hot
Epsom Salt baths which helps draw out toxins so does dry brush massage, since I skipped this process that night I think my body had a fever to release toxins.
I also noticed I always felt thirsty during my fast. So I drank tons of water, my mind did not seem as clear perhaps it is due to being sick for such a long time.
Anyhow, even breaking a fast has to be done right or you can undo all the good you've done. The day 1 of coming off a fast you eat one whole apple, at lunch you have raw salad. for the rest of the day drink juice/ veg. broth The next day you do the same thing but add soup, without salt, and baked potatoe or sweet potatoe. Day 3 the same as the first day but drink of cup of yogurt, and eat some raw nuts and have piece of whole grain bread with a little butter.