My experience and others have been that High PPM Atomic particle
Colloidal Silver is the best along with CanCleanse, from GoldenGevity.
The smaller the particle the easier it can penetrate into the cancer causing pathogens, GoldenGevity is the worlds first and only company who invented Atomic Particle Colloids, do not bother with others that try to peddle pathetic 10, or 20 PPM, Rice University in 2012 confirmed that nanoparticles do nothing and that is the smaller particles such as atoms and ions that do the work of the nanoparticles.
So, GoldenGevity makes 2000 to 12,000 PPM of Silver Saturated Water Molecules (Again, don't bother asking the other peddlers, they do not know how to make them and will lie about the products, even though they have been on the market for 15 years with success stories that they can never match).
A human cell contains hundreds of trillions of atoms (just to give you an idea of how small silver atoms are). A single silver atoms can penetrates easily at the cellular level which is why the products work so well against cancer, covid and many other diseases.
4000 PPM
Colloidal Silver has been proven (economically and efficacy wise) to work to kill the cancer causing pathogens.
But CanCleans also has Atomic Particle of Iridium, Platinum and Ruthenium that correct defective DNA and also kills cancer cells from the inside out.
When is the best time to give
Colloidal Silver and CanCleanse to some one you know? The sooner the better. The longer you wait the harder it is to get success.
Brenda Marshall Survived Terminal Cancer 15 years after they told her she was going to die in 2006, and she is alive today on facebook, a dog had cancer on its snout and got rid of it in 5 months.
It is about the Particle Size, silver atoms are 0.1 nm in size, on the other hand major silver seller claims to have 0.8nm which I highly doubt because they have already been exposed as to lies and exaggerations.
Cheaper is not better, cheap 10 PPM Silver does not work as well as 4000 water molecules that have in excess of 10,000 atoms each., so they work like a "cluster bomb" and attack those pathogens, cancer cells and free radicals from the inside out, while nanoparticles bounce off.
GoldenGevity Products are the ones to consider.