Hi there - i am a newbie on curezone. I started NB about 8 weeks ago. I felt pretty good the first 6 weeeks and since then have felt pretty flat - almost depressed and very wired. Anxious! That would be my main symptom - WIRED and rarely tired. Has anyone else experienced that? The supplements i am on are MEGAPAN, LIMCOMIN, PARAMIN, GB-3, OVA-ADREN and THYRO-COMPLEX. I did have a blood test just before i started NB and found that i had high reverse T3 thyroid hormone and all my hormones were a little low. Along with high cortisol at night and borderline low the rest of the day. Cortisol Manager and Phosphatidylserine (soy-free) are the main things that help me get to sleep at night and kick the insomnia along with some valerian tea. My diet is mostly vegetables and meat and eggs along with herbal teas and a bit of quinoa. Fruits not so much - they seem to affect my blood
Sugar too much. Can this be a detox effect by chance? Oh - and at the six week mark i have insane bloating which is unusual for me. I am thinking of taking a break from all the supplements to see how i feel. Have any of you done that before?