FDA is a corrupt institution. The devil and his legion leeches onto the creeps there, like parasites leech on a host and has them cause suffering and misery to as many as possible, and themselves, as part of the devils/reptilians/disrupters agenda. The old bible legends have been talking about the same old reptile/devil for 2000 years now.
Think of the corrupted ones at the FDA as being infested with a hard to discern 200 or 300 pound parasite, or legion of them and you can get an idea of the situation.
That's the bad news.
The good news is we were given authority, Luke 10:19, over these snake spirits and need not fear them nor be deceived by them. The only power a snake has is the fear you give him.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
And the wisdom of a snake/devil/reptile is to hide itself.
I think everyone knows FDA approved means the product is harmful, a contrary indicator. Of the 58,000 FDA approved drugs only two work, penicillin and willow bark derived asparin and both of those products are limited in ability to effect cures.
FDA lost it's credibilty decades ago.
http://www.alienlovebite.com or use redirect in above link and read Lorgens expose, Unmasking the disrupters part I and part II.
Like that old commediane Flip Wilson used to say when he did wrong, The devil made him do it". Same with the possessed creeps at the FDA who lie, rob and murder. .